03. Connection

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Storage Unit, Day 2, 05.12

It's been two days since she got away from the blacksite and pretty much sure no one can find her. But then she doesn't know much to do anymore. Inside the storage unit where she and David usually went in everytime they need a meeting at the time he tried to recruit her. They ended up made love in there instead of sharing brief and files. The 3x3 box is all she have left about him. She can't go to their home, even their safe house. Because they're gonna find her. But this storage unit, no one knows about that other than David and herself.

"I'm here David. You should come with some files." She tries hard to holding back her tears. She never had anyone but David. When she found out he died trying to save her, it broke her a million pieces. She has no one left to hold onto. As a genius, she found it hard to make friends, trust people because they often take advantage of her. David is the first whom she trust dearly, only after a couple of months. "I'm not gonna let him win David, I promise. Whatever it takes. I'm gonna strip his power, and when he got no defense, I'm gonna take him down. With me."

The Garage, 09.50

"Walter, I'm sorry son. I was angry at you the other day. I didn't come yesterday and I think I was overreacting. I brought some bagels from kovels...ky." Cabe almost drop those bagels when he saw the face of every most wanted posters. "Holly molly...."
"Hahaha. You must be agent Cabe Gallo. From homeland?"
"I am...You are..."
"My name is Raymond Reddington. I'm very fond of Mr. O'Brien after he challenged me. He's a very smart man, I suppose. No one could track me that easy." Cabe turns his eyes to Walter, he nods.

"Let's cut the chitty chat. Me and Mr. O'Brien here had shared our informations like a perfect piece of puzzle." Red gives Walter the place to explain, "So, David Stefensson, a.k.a William Ames were assigned by Pete Sandburg. According to Mr. Reddington he has a code name, Fourth Base."
"Sandburg? He's a big player. High level clearance."
"Exactly, which leads me into a project including Mr. Sandburg and Stefensson. A project called 'The Motherboard' all I know, it's a super computer project. That's all I can get, but Mr. Reddington had an Intel that it's actually an advance neuro-computer."
"I'm old son, what is that?"
"I don't know the detail yet, but I believe it's a super computer that could connect brains like an actual computer network." Cabe can see a light on Walter's eyes, that's when he knows they're on the right path.

Reddington put a file on the desk. "There is a scientist, had a reputation like a myth. The so-called neuro-computer believed to be created by this person. I couldn't get a name or face. But my source says this person hijacked the project after finding out Pete's dirty plan and run with the super computer, implanted in her brain."

Walter continue Reddington's tail, "This woman, is a target that they can't kill. Because soon as she dies, it will trigger an automatic protocol. All the data on her brain would be leaked. I believe they hold her somewhere or she's hiding in a safe house."
"Safe house? The call. With David."
"Exactly Cabe. So me and Mr. Reddington paid a visit to that house yesterday and found something."

The Safe House, a day earlier, 10.25

"This is the house?"
"Yes. It's belong to Mrs. Langley. David's mother." Walter walks around the house and see no sign of life inside. "I heard you lost someone on that train." Hearing that, Walter stop walking and looks away. "That has nothing to do with..."
"I'm sorry. It's a tragedy. The target is me. No one.....nobody should die on that train that night if it's not because of me."
"It's not gonna change anything."
"I know. I lost someone many years ago. I don't even know if she's still alive or not. Everyday...for many years, I'm still can't get over the pain."

Both of their silence cut by an old man approaching them, "Can I help you?"
"Yes. I'm Raymond, this young man... Walter."
"I'm Monty."
"Monty, we're looking for Mrs. Langley."
"Mrs. Langley? She died last year. Why?" Red looks at Walter, "Umm, actually we wants to tell her about her son, David Stefensson?"
"Dave? What about him?"
"He died."
"Wh...what? When?"
"Apparently 2 years ago, but we cannot find any relative of him." Monty seems genuinely sad, which Reddington thinks might indicated his close relationship with him.

"Monica thought Dave refuse to go home because of her daughter in law. That's really bad Monica died believing that her son won't see her. He died two years ago? How nobody knows this?"
"He was undercover. He died on a mission."
"Right, I always forget that he's a CIA. I only remember him like he was my own son."
"You're close to him?"
"He used to linger on my back as a kid. The relationship between him and his mother is kind of.... Distanced. He usually pay a visit just to see me."
"What about his wife? You know her? Name? Anything?"

He tries to remember things from the look of his face. "His wife... I remember that rumor when Dave was getting married. He brought this woman that many of us called 'odd' or 'inhuman' because it seems like she can't express any emotions. She was also a CIA. But one time Dave asked for me to brought a fresh plain milk, said that his wife loves them so much. That moment when I gave her the glass of milk, I swear I saw her smile. So.... magnificent. Her eyes lighten up. Just for a glass of milk. Other than that I do not have any name."
"Did you happened to see her or hear from her for the last two years?"

"The last time I saw her were two and a half year ago when she and Dave visit me. But.. when you mention it, I got a call two years ago, asking me if Dave was here. I'm didn't know the number, but I'm pretty sure it was her voice. At that time I only thought that they got into a fight and Dave was going somewhere. But then you told me he died two years ago? Is it have anything to do with her?"

"No it's not. We just thinking that his wife might needs to be informed."

The Motherboard (The Blacklist x Scorpion)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ