18. Oliver Reeds

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The Garage, 12.10

"What's wrong kid?" Cabe comes in with a case and saw a bitter face of Walter. "Nothing. Just can't get over something. Anyway, what you got?"
"I got a word about breaking dam and they think we're the only one to safe it."
"I can't work just with me and you."
"But you usually work alone lately."
"It's different. I got a help of my own. Now I don't have it. Can you please call the others?"
"Okay. I'll see what I can do." Cabe isn't really sure about the other team member. Especially after his call with Happy who openly show her disappointment for not including neither Sly, Toby, or her on the recent cases.

"Son... They said they need to talk to you first."
"About what?"
"About wether or not you still want them in this team. Like you said, you got your help. But they had a bitter feeling about this."
"Ah come on. How old are they? 14? This is nonsense."
"Walter, you exclude each one of them recently. Think about that. They want to know who is your helping hand anyway. So they can put their involvement into consideration."
"God. Alright alright. I'll talk. But none of this would leave the garage. Can they promise me that?"
"I'll tell them."


"Okay, everyone's here. To be quick, since a damn dam needs to be fixed....yes I got someone helping me on recent cases. It was Jade."
"What? Jade? Are you kidding me."
"Am I look like kidding right now Happy? It was her. But not exactly her. Jade Emerson was Morgan."
"Hold on. Morgan? That Morgan who's already dead?"
"Yes Toby. I mean... it was her double. Long story. Me and Mr. Reddington found out about that."
"Wait, Reddington? I thought you were done with him after that day?"
"I was.. until he came to me after I found out Jade's connection with Morgan. And then something happened, then he asked me about Morgan's touch DNA technology. Basically asking me to replicate it and apply it to him. Now....should I continue or should we start working?"

Jakarta, 12.00

"Dembe, go back to the states with Edward. Oliver will be here soon enough."
"She's drunk."
"I know. She drank too much on the plane. She might not feeling okay, but I'll be fine."
"Take care Raymond."
"Thank you Dembe. Take care of the business for me while I'm away." He kisses his forehead like Dembe is his own son.

"Come on, we need to get to the meeting spot." Reddington helps Morgan to walk straight. "I wanna throw up."
"Of course you do, you drink too much."
"Can I go to bathroom?"
"Okay, there is one on the left. I'll stay here for Oliver to find me." Morgan stands up and walk to the bathroom carefully. Her head feels like an awful mess. Meanwhile, Red takes a seat and wait for his friend to come pick them up. Seems like Oliver is 10 minutes late. He hopes Oliver is okay.

"Oliver! Come here." He gives him a tight hug, he's happy to see him again. "I'm glad you could help."
"Only for an old friend Red, an old friend."
"I know. I owe you for this."
"Where is this witness?"
"She's in the bathroom. Just wait for her. Meanwhile.... We could sit here together. Maybe talking about the old times, with this old friend of yours."

In the bathroom, she throws up a couple times before she got closer to her normal state of mind. But with a sour taste on her tongue. And in a consciousness time of hers, Walter comes to her mind. "I shouldn't tell my feelings to Reddington. What a fool of me." She wash her face and walk out of the bathroom. She could see a man talks with Reddington a distinctive face that she saw somewhere but couldn't tell where or when.

"There she is." Reddington stands and introduce the man to her. "Jade, this is Oliver Reeds. Oliver, this is Jade."
"And for what business did you need witness protection Ms..."
"Emerson. My name is Jade Emerson."
"She's here because of the Crimson Prime, Oliver." He seems surprised to hear that name. "Crimson Prime? The one that was trying to recruit you? But why a witness protection?" Before Reddington can answer that, Morgan cuts their conversation. "I'm sorry... Can I go to the bathroom again? I still....got some effect from the liquor." She looks at Reddington, signaling him that she really needs that bathroom time. "Alright. I'll be here with Oliver."

She goes in with a heavy breath and pounding heart. She asked for the bathroom not because she's still hangover. It's because she remembers where did she see Oliver's face.

Glimpse of Morgan's Memory

"Dad? Who are you? What did you do to my dad?" She tries to fight the man while keeps her eyes on a lifeless body near the tent. The man won't bother and keep walking.

"We need to get rid of this kid. No witness." Another man in a mask talked to him and then left. Then all she could see is the man who pick her on his arms. In the moment of desperation, she cries. "If you want to kill me Mister, let me be with my daddy. Please?" The man then stop walking. Put his face closer to her, takes off his mask, "I'm not gonna hurt you sweetie. I'm just need to put you away. Your dad will be okay. I just shot him to knock him down. Not dead."

Presence Day

"It was him.... That man is Oliver." Her whole hands are shaking and her teeth rattling. "But why..... Reddington trusted him, even still. This whole time he didn't know who was the mole...  No, he wasn't too late to warn him, he was just intentionally late..." She carefully get her phone and trying to call Dembe.

"Dembe, get back here."
"Why? Is everything okay?"
"No, it's not. We can't trust Oliver. I can't go out there to warn Reddington, it's gonna put him in dangerous situation. You need to get here and....." Suddenly something knock her down, unconscious.

"Hello? Morgan. Can you hear me? Morgan?"

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