35. A Kiss Goodnight

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The Garage, 14.29

"I want you to know. If any of this experience go wrong.."
"There wouldn't be any."
"....if.... anything goes wrong. I want you and my dad to know....that I don't blame anyone and I love you both. And you, don't be so hard with Toby. He respects you dearly." She smiles and then put her head down. Walter put everything in place before his team comes in, along with another doctor that Reddington brought as a specialist.

"You're all ready?"
"We ready. Happy start to pump the drug. Put her to a deep sleep. Dr. Bisognin will do the mind mapping."
"She's down. We go to the area 3."


"Are you sure about this procedure? You could lose your daughter." Cooper is looking in besides Reddington to personally handle the output data from the Motherboard. "I know. But she's willing to take the chance. So do I. I trust O'Brien and his team."
"And if it fail?"
"It won't. And if it does, I'll go with everything I have left and going after the man who's responsible."
"She told you who's the person is?"
"Yes. Oliver Reed."
"Oliver Reed? I thought he's your associate?"
"He was. And he's The Zephyr."
"The man behind your War with Cabal? The Crimson Prime?"
"Yes Harold. I didn't know he's the mastermind. I thought he's simply betraying me because someone got his family. It's not. His family is gone and he's after revenge. Through me, and Morgan. I need to put an end to this."

"We got it. The data. It's done."
"What? You did?" At a moment, Red's face lift up in disbelief. "Is she okay, Walter?"
"It's too early to say...but Toby said she's stable for now."
"Right... Can I see her?"
"She's asleep now. We can altogether see her in an hour."
"Okay. Thank you... O'Brien. I'll owe you for this."
"No, by doing this, I'm doing her a favor. You don't owe me anything. These whole..... blackmailing data.... it's always a target on her back. I'm just glad we could put a rest to it, without the need to kill her. I'll get you the data..."
"No need Walter. You've done enough. I'll get them myself. You can stay with Morgan."

"You can have it Harold. Do whatever you want with it. It's not our problem anymore." Red gave him a data storage, locked in a safe. "Thank you Reddington. You've done a lot for the agency. Which is such a shame because we can't release the data, considering what they're all doing to Morgan's life and yours." He handed the data to Cooper and walk away.

"And now I need to put an end to Zephyr."
"You know Red, you better not saying anything in front of me. I don't wanna know."
"Sure. You're a man of law, I'm a criminal. You know what I'm gonna do."

New Orleans, the next day, 09.21

"I'm not leaving, Raymond."
"You are Dembe. You know how dangerous he is. Oliver is in a suicidal mission. He might targeted the organization, but he has no doubt to hurt whoever in his way. Including Morgan. I don't want you to caught in the middle as well. I can put an end to this. You have daughter and granddaughter who's gonna need you."
"Morgan needs you."
"No, she has Walter. That should be enough. I'm a bad omen, Dembe. My existence will forever put her life in jeopardy."
"What should I tell her if you're not coming back?"
"Tell her, she'll get over it. I have to go. He's expecting me. And the data."
"I thought you handed it to Cooper."
"No I didn't. I got better idea. Baz, you come with me."

The Garage, 10.35

Morgan open her eyes for the first time after the procedure and the first thing that she see is Walter, asleep on a chair besides her bed. "O'Brien. Hey..." She tries to reach his hand but then interrupt by a call on Walter's phone. She takes it and go outside the room.

"Sorry, Walter is sleeping I got the phone. What's...."
"Morgan. This is director Harold Cooper."
"Oh, yeah. I know you. You wanna say something to Walter?"
"No, I actually was about to tell him to ask you. But since you picked the call, I'll ask you directly. Where's the data?"
"What are you talking about? I know nothing about that. My brain function is back to normal now. And you know well how desperate I am to get rid of the data from my head."
"I want to trust that you're not involved in this, but your father played me and get away with the data. You have any idea what he's planning to do?"
"No, but I can guess something that he would do. But I'm gonna need Scorpion's help. If you think he got away with the data, I can track it."
"Wait, you can track it? You said it was disconnected from your head."
"I set a protocol with the team, just in case you're a rat. I'm sorry, I don't really trust anyone I barely knew. Including you."
"I don't mind. But, do you really able to track it?"
"Damn right I can."

"What is it?" Walter suddenly shows up behind her. "Walter? Umm... it's uh..."
"That's my phone by the way. You got something to tell me?"
"Actually, yes. Cooper didn't get the data. My father took it."
"Wait, no. I took the data from you and put it in a secure device that you made, I was sure....wait....no...I saw your dad handed it to Cooper but..."
"What your guts told you?"
"I don't know, at one moment his left hand was in his pocket."
"He switched it Walt. I don't know what he planned to do with that. But I know how to track it. I made the device after all. He might not paying attention because it's just a storage device. But I prepared for the worst. Just in case it fell into the wrong party."
"Okay. I'll track Red's phone as well. It might help."

Tom's Diner, 11.26

"Thank you for coming, Anthony."
"I didn't expect you to call me again. Not after I got caught."
"You did a stupid mistake. But you're brilliant. I believe in your speciality. I need you to decode this."
"Woah. This one is fancy. I never seen anything like this."
"Can you do it?"
"I can. But give me some times. Like an hour."
"You're the best."


"It's an hour already. Can you do it? I got a business to do."
"Wait... it's gonna be..yup. It's open now..whoa....I think I shouldn't look at this."
"Let me see it." Red's eyes suddenly got wider. "Baz. You need to deliver the device back to Cooper."
"What? Red, you still want to meet him?"
"If I didn't, he will continue to hunting Morgan. I got to talk him down. It's an order."

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