13. Pressure

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Reddington's Apartment, 02.10

"Raymond, wake up."
"Huh? What is it Dembe?" He looks at his shocked face and he can tell that he got something important. "Our people found her new place."
"That's a good thing. What's the problem?"
"They sent us a picture." Reddington's face is getting white assuming what possibly could happen to Morgan. "What picture?" Dembe hands him a picture of Craig and Morgan. Both Dead. Red is almost got a heart attack and grasp on his sheet as he couldn't feel his feet. "What happened? Did she found out we tail her?"
"Worse Raymond, she was died hours before our people even know where she is. And they found her cellphone burned."
"I'm sorry Raymond...."
"Dembe check the news."
"Why? They're not gonna broadcast an unknown case like this."
"If she's dead then all the people in the motherboard would be exposed, including Lorraine." Dembe turns on the TV and check on all those stations and none of them shows any breaking news.

"Is it possible Cabal already extract the data and killed her?"
"I don't know the tech in details Dembe, but what I heard is it's nearly impossible. I don't know.. but maybe. Dembe tell our people to bring the burned phone soon. We'll take it to O'Brien."

Jade's Apartment, 03.35

It's been hours after the last time she heard the desperate voice on her phone. She's still couldn't grasp the ground that she's dead. The name of Crimson Prime keeps repeating inside her head. "John, I need you to....."
"Jade you have to sit down."
"No, I need you to find anything about The Crimson Prime. Everything. They killed her, I'm gonna make sure whoever behind this pay the price. And no, I know what you're thinking but don't bring Walter on this."

John gets into his computer while Jade gets into hers. What they both gets are extremely unnerving. "Who the hell are they?" She looks into files, pictures, all surrounding at Reddington and his daughter. All of her childhood photos and records. There's also a heavily redacted documents of an assignment on kidnapping Alice Reddington. "It was them. The kidnapping. But why?"

"You have to see this." John shows her another redacted documents. "The Purging Project? What is it?"
"It seems like a test. Research. But it's all we got. I know nothing more."
"For now. I'm gonna find out. It was my fault that I told her to move out. If she was around Reddington's people, she might still alive "

The Garage, 17.45

"Walter. We need to talk."
"Red! How convenient I'm just gonna call you. I found something about Jade. You told me she and Morgan are connected and you're right...."
"Morgan is dead."
"W...ait. No way. If you're playing games with me I swear...."
"I'm not." He gives him those pictures and Walter is frozen.

"Mr. Reddington! What a...." Sylverster comes out from the kitchen only to see Walter's tears. "Walter?"
"What are you...."
"She's dead." Reddington says what Walter couldn't say. "But that's not why I'm here. I know we're all grieving. But we have no time. Jade might be in danger. Walter you said you found something?" He looks at his eyes, Walter knows Reddington is also holding tears, but he tries hard not to.

"I....Jade Emerson is a fiction. Her real name was Josephine. No family record, got into the same foster house with Morgan. Both got out the house by the time Morgan got into prison. After that she was missing. Like a ghost. Until a couple years ago the name Jade Emerson get into records. Some rumors among the former foster kid....umm... Morgan killed a rapist, Josephine was the victim." Walter can't keep his eyes dry, "I'm sorry. I'm still...."
"Look at me O'Brien. What do you think I'm feeling right now? My daughter is dead. But if she thinks to protect this girl, it might be something that I have to do for her." He takes a deep sigh and continue, "My sources believe Morgan called her before she died. We need to know what did she tell her and wether she's in danger or not."

"I don't know where she is. I really don't."
"You need to track her down."

Movie Set, 19.45

"Why here?"
"Because I'm trying to hide in a plain sight. A lot of people, all belong here. I don't have to be worry. And John..."
"You shouldn't be here. You need to go back and dig deeper. I'll handle things from here." John agreed and leaving her with all the movie crews.

She goes out her make up room and goes straight to the set when Loona comes to her "Jade, there is a fan wants to meet you!"
"Send them in!"

There is this man with a hat walks to her, "Hey umm.... My daughter is a big fan of yours. She... Can she have a picture of you in your make up room? She loves make up. Hoping to be a make up artist. "Umm....sure. What's your name?"
"Okay Garry come in."

She gives him a video tour of her, talking to camera about all of her shoes collection, clothes, and accessories. "Who is your daughter name?"
"Violet? That's a pretty name...." After she signed a book and about to give it to the man, she turns just to see the man holding a gun. "Umm....what is this?"
"You have to come with me."
"No I will not. Who are you?"
"They need to see you or I'll lose my daughter. Please."

"Put your gun down!" Reddington and Walter shows up just at the right time. "I can't. They got Violet. Please you need to come with me." The man begging for her but Reddington comes closer with gun ready. "No. Don't listen to him. You're in danger. We know about you and Morgan. Trust me."
"This man has a daughter..."
"Jade listen to him. He's right, you can't do this." Walter tries to reach her but then Garry aim his gun to Walter.

"Garry! No!" She runs to Walter and push him out, taking a bullet in the process. "Jade? Jade!" Walter quickly grab her as she falls down while Reddington shot Garry's hand. After hearing two shots, people start to comes in and rushes into her room. "Get this man to the police!" Red throws Garry to the crews and get to both Walter and Jade. "Stay awake. We're gonna get you out of here."

"Help...Violet. Promise me you'll find that kid." Reddington and Walter both nodded. "We will. But you have to promised me to hold on."

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