11. Jade Emerson

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SoCal, 09.45

The wind greet her as she step out from the airplane. "Feels good to start somewhere new." She smiles and gives her assistant her bags. She can't stop to look at those Paparazzi trying to get a story. "Honestly John, what the hell is wrong with these people?"
"I have no idea ma'am."
"Right. They just want to know why I ditched my long-time boyfriend. Pathetic."

Jade could only imagine to have a private life, especially after she blow up in that Super Fun Guy movie. She broke up with Harry the American teenager idol, on the premiere of the movie. After that, not only people in her homeland, but people in the states as well know her.

"Jade? Jade! Is the rumor true? You left Harry because you had a fling with your co-star?"
"What do you want me to say? Yes? I'll say yes. I'm sure it will make a headline." She giggles and trying to going pass through them with the help of John. She could barely move but finally made it into the car.

"Ah, thank god. It was hell. Now John, you got my schedule?"
"Sure ma'am. You'll stay just across the street from the venue so you'll get there on time ."
"You got me the audition right?"
John giggles, "Ma'am, no need for audition. You got the play."
"Are you kidding? I need a challenge. I will go for the audition and see for myself if I'm capable to play that."
"Alright ma'am, I'm gonna rearrange that."
"That's so sweet of you. Thank you John. You are the best."

The Garage, 10.02

"Look! It's Jade Emerson from the last year Super Fun Guy! God, she's here!"
"Who?" Sly looks disapproved about Walter's reaction on Jade. "Her acting was.... amazing. I swear I saw her in my dream for a full week at that time."
"I didn't...know her. But anyway, we got a work. Cabe is on his way."
"Our work for the past year is kind of boring Walt. Shouldn't we work on Reddington's clue?"
"His clues are a burner. There is no point in that. It's been a year and what he got for us are only that. We can only track to a foster house that's no longer exist."
"I know. I just don't like this new workloads that we got. I mean Cabe loses his homeland job and broke some private jobs from everywhere. I feel bad for him. Also, since Happy and Toby got kid, they're kind of busy. They might be geniuses, but they suck when dealing with kid. I need to always checking up on them. Just to make sure little Bobby grow up in a healthy circumstances."
"Everything is change within a year Sly. I don't see the point of whining right now."

The sensational actress is rumored to play a totally different character this time. A mindful genius. It's been said that she already got the play, but another said she insists to get an audition.

"Ha! I knew it. She's absolutely passionate about it."
"What? To play a genius? I bet in ten bucks she will suck at that. And play the stereotype of genius all over again."
"Don't rain on my parade, would you?"

Manila, 02.05

"He's been there for 10 minutes. Doing nothing, just stare at you. Should I call Jade?"
"No Craig. I'll stick to our protocol. Once we're in, no contact unless it's urgent."
"You want me to do something about that guy?"
"No, nothing. The last thing I want to attract is attention. Stay low."
"Noted Morgan. I'm just gonna make sure no one would get any closer to you."
"Yeah. Thank you Craig." She takes a moment to observe those man outside her flat.

"Must be Reddington's tail."
"I'm not sure.. Reddington's tail will make sure they aren't within my sight. He got it clear about the suicide thing."
"Who do you think that person is."
"The third party. Probably the one who wants to keep him and Lorraine in distance. But why that person sent this man...still a puzzle for me."

Red's Apartment, 09.20

"I got something from our associate in Manila. They said a man was acting suspicious outside her flat."
"Any guess who that is?"
"No idea yet. But our people couldn't do anything since you put that restrictions upon the job."
"I takes seriously her words to shot herself if she saw my people around her Dembe. But I'm afraid she will mistaken that strange man with my associate." He surely worried about her well-being both because of the man that's watching her and the fact that she could just harm herself.

The Garage, 11.00

"Gather up kids. I got a job for us." Cabe comes in with a woman behind his back. "You're looking at Jade Emerson." She shows up from behind him, long black hair, white coat, looking sharp at every face of them. "Oh my god. It's her." Sly is almost fainted. "You are.. so talented. Your performance in Super Fun Guy and.. "
"Sly." Cabe snaps him out. "Sorry for the excitement. This guys is a fan of that movie."
"Oh, that is fine. I'm not that talented though. Haha. People says I can't sing. Have you seen my viral video?" She shakes Sly's hand and gives him a smile. "Of you singing Barbie Girl? Absolutely."

"Alright boys. Back to the job. Since Toby and Happy are dragging their ass down for the child. I took a job that inquires no mechanical skill. Hence, train her to act like a genius. The next role she got is to be one."
"I don't know about that Cabe. I mean, people tend to pictures a genius in stereotypical manner."
"That's why she needs your help Walt. She got 2 weeks to learn everything. From those complicated terms of yours and mathematical speed of Sly. Make it as realistic as possible."
"Don't worry about the paycheck. I got that covered." She assured Walter to take the job. "Alright. Let's act."

"Since everyone is agree. Our first step is to let her hanging around here, feel your work vibe, flow. Get used with your equipment and your gesture. She will observe both of you."
"I'm ready to watch."

Red's Apartment, 16.45

"Raymond, I got a word from Manilla. They tapped into her cellphone."
"Yes, Dembe?"
"They said she mentioned something about calling Jade Emerson."
"Jade Emerson? Who is that?"
"Apparently, an actress from London. Our intel said she just arrived here to takes an acting lesson from Scorpions."
"It seems like we have to pay our old friend a visit. And also Ms. Emerson."

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