15. Shuttle

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St. Peter Hospital, 12.10

Walter just sitting there while Jade is being under extensive treatment. He waits for Reddington to get back from wherever he was. If it was his call, he would ask his team to be here, he can't bear this thing alone.

"Raymond. She was umm... under heavy medication now. But they said she will be fine in a couple hours."
"Tell me what happened."
"She just... Start shaking. No..I remember her fingers are trying to hold my hand, like she was trying. But she can't. And then she had that seizure."
"The doctor told you what's the cause?"
"They said her brain was... overload."
"How's that?"
"That's the thing. I don't know. I mean, I know her whole brain capacity. Imagine like this... Her brain is like 80% me, 80% Toby, 80% Happy, and 80% Sylvester. Can you imagine the capacity, with those kind of abilities? I mean.... The whole Scorpions in one brain. I'm gonna put it like this, she might can't beat me in hacking competition, but she can read my emotional weakness like Toby, calculate it fast like Sylvester, and execute the plan like Happy. Hence, the whole formula for the Motherboard, the most impossible project that she could pull off. So when the doctor said her brain is overload, I can't get why."
"Is it possible that she's overload because someone added a whole memories of the real Jade into her brain?"
"Wait, yes it might be the reason why her brain had so much work to do. But how?"
"I found the doctor who switch Morgan's and Jade's faces. And found out a couple things about their plan. When Morgan became Jade, she needs all the information of Jade's whole life, so they came to this one experimental doctor who's known to have an ability to erase memories, or add them."
"But if it was the case, there is no way this doctor can add Morgan's memories to Jade's brain. Not with a normal capacity."
"Yes, because she won't need them to became Morgan. Because she would living a private life, while Jade has a very public life."
"But then people who's after Morgan found her."
"Yes, that's why she killed herself. So her cover would not blown. They were after Jade later on the movie set only because they feel that Jade might know something about Morgan. What information that they after, I don't know."
"It doesn't feel important before, but I just remember it now. She keeps mumbling 'Crimson Prime' when she's trying to hold my hand."
"Say that again."
"Crimson Prime. What? Is that familiar for you?"
"Better. I know what it is."

"She's awake." The doctor comes out and cut their conversation. "Can we see her?"
"Of course." Both Reddington and Walter step in and see her lay there, still weak from the wound.
"Hey Mor...Jade" it's still hard for Walter to process this identity Switch and almost slip on it.
"Cut it Walt. I know you know."
"About what?"
"About who I am. I'm aware that after the shot a leak would came out. Something that didn't happen when the alleged Morgan killed herself. If you two could find out, they can. Also... I know what you did, dad." She looks at Reddington, who's clearly becomes warm from the way she called him. "I might under medication, but I still got that 'touch DNA' on my own hand. The shock wake me up a little bit and hear everything you talked about." She smiles, "I also heard you saved the kid. Thank you."
"I didn't do that. Dembe..."
"I know. But still, thank you."
"Fair enough." She gets his hand and looks at him in the eyes. "I understand people misunderstand about who you are. They thought you were cold blooded criminal. But I believe you're a good person. Not perfect, but good enough."
"Thank you Morgan. You know how it means for me."
"Ugh, don't call me that. The public cannot know about this. Please call John to reschedule my take next week."
"But you're still in recovery."
"Yeah? But Jade Emerson never bail from a movie she was in. I need to honor that."

Crimson Prime Head Office, 13.10

"DNA don't match."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes sir. Her DNA has no match with Reddington."
"But a leak came out after she died. Lorraine was arrested."
"With a too long range of time sir. It happened two days after she shot herself. It's also just a leak. Not the entire data, a single leak."
"So what are you suggesting? That Morgan is not Reddington's daughter?"
"She's his daughter sir. I'm just not really sure the woman we found was Morgan."
"So it's a dead end?"
"Not entirely. I run an algorithm of the time the leak came out to an hour before that, looking for a particular life-threatening incident related to people with direct or indirect connection to Reddington."
"There are 5 incident. 2 deaths, 3 near death incidents. Out of 3, 2 of it involved man as the victim. One woman."
"Jade Emerson."
"Well, what a coincidence. Our people tried to track her down regarding of Morgan's death and unable to retrieve her because Reddington's intervention. So maybe Jade Emerson is Morgan Stefensson after all. Or should we call her Alice Reddington?"

St. Peter Hospital, 14.30

He's excited to bring those chocolate eclairs, just like what Morgan always like when she was in the garage. But right after he enter her room, all he catches is her, crying. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah. Sure. It's just... I looked at the calendar and I remember tomorrow will be the anniversary of David's death."
"Right. It's Paige's as well. I missed her so much. I'm sure you missed him too."
"Everyday. It was David, and then.... Josephine."
"Josephine.... You mean Jade."
"It's Josephine. Always Josephine. Jade is a fictional character." She smirks. "You know what's funny? Before David, she was the only person that I care about. And we're not even like each other."
"But she's your friend."
"Not friends. It was... absurd. We have this... love-hate relationship. She thought I was...rude, a bitch. And to me, she was....a flirty kid, dressed up like a.... something. Anyway she's always a smart girl, not smarter than me, but you got the image. Our foster parents are cons as well, they need all the money everytime. They put us into this competition on who got more money. The winner got a better food. I went with my Credit Card tap, Josephine? She scam various men with Jade's persona."
"But you got close?"
"Yeah. It irritated me so much when those men picking up on her. She can't even fight. So I taught her how to beat them up, how to be slick and despicable. She did beat one of them, but with a great consequence."
"What happened?"
"Those men raped her, 3 of them. Those cowards, going on her after she can beat one of them in one on one combat. I can still saw her bruised face, barely can walk straight. It was.... horrible."
"You told the police?"
"Yes. They got away. No proof. Even after we showed her beaten up face to them. I got....very pissed off. I remember buy my first gun. Shot them on their heads. All a perfect crime, no witness, no trace. But one family of them got suspicious on Josephine, he knew his nephew raped Josephine. I can't let her going to prison for it. I tried to shut him up, telling him of what his nephew did to Josephine. That son of a bitch don't care. We got into a fight, I shot him."
"They put you into prison because of it?"
"Yeah. And then David got me out. Telling me the agency knew about the credit card tap." She gets one torn photograph, of two girls.

"This is her on the left. She...gave me this picture right after I got out from prison, thanking me for what I did. And she promised me this.... If I ever got into a situation where I need a getaway, she'll provide me the best getaway she could ever give. And damn it, she delivered." She takes a deep breath and put the photograph back to her wallet.

"I just didn't expect it would be switching place with her. All I had to do is call her and tell her that I need the parachute."

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