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As i walked to the carpark, i saw my mums car from a far distance, Chloe was behind me, so i didnt look back.

Chloe raced in front of me to make me stop walking.

"I do really like you, Leondre Devries ." She said being cheeky.

For once i didn't go bright red.

"I like you to." I answered smiling and licking my cold lips.

Chloe bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked of smiling and waved, whilst her hair was flying in the cold breeze.

I smiled and walked further tl the car, hopefully my mum didn't see that.

I opened the door and took my bag off.

"So whos that girl..." She said whilst i got into the car.

"Just a friend." I answered nicely.

My mum started up the car and shut her window.

"So shes nothing else." She replied.

"No." I said "Not yet." I wispered into my jumper sleeve.

Mum pulled away and turned the radio on to a track ive never heard.

It was obvious that she knew it because she was singing along to it and was humming the words the didnt know.

"Right I need to go and pop into morrisons quickly, do u wanna come in with me or..?"

"Ill come in." I said butting in.

We pulled up in the carpark it was packed with all different cars.

The hard life of Leondre Devries (BAM)Where stories live. Discover now