pendrive ; jackson

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A/N: It's been 3 weeks since I saw your lovely faces (metaphorically speaking) but I've missed all of you to bits and yes, I have an explanation for this. If you guys, follow me you'll see that I made an announcement regarding both my rough breakup and the fact that it happened DURING finals which made it suck even more but I promise this time I'm actually back and the good news is that I'm on a break till February till uni starts and I'm going to be doing my best to write as much as I can! As for requests, I'm going to have to delay them for now, while I work on a few passion projects to really get the groove back and I hope you guys understand! I love y'all 3000! 



Do you guys have any favourite tracks from the album? By far mine is Thursday, the stage was honestly so adorable!!! 


Today was the day. Something you only allowed yourself to do twice every year, and this was one of those pre-determined days.

Opening your lowest drawer at your desk, you scrounged through it until your fingers came into contact with the hard plastic case that contained what you were searching for.

Flicking the case open with your index finger, you took out the silver pen-drive, etched with grooves, you knew exactly what they said even when you weren't looking.


Clicking it open, you inserted it into your desktop, fetching your pair of headphones from the side of your desk, plopping them on your head, turning up the sound.

Clicking on the new file that had been downloaded, you clicked on the single file that was in the pen-drive, opening it with your media player, before leaning back, preparing for what was to come.

The blank screen faced you, before slowly an image bloomed to life combined with the sounds of light breathing and the shifting of the camera against the cheap plastic counter as someone adjusted it from its former position.

'Hey (Y/N),' a voice came from the computer and no matter how many times you watched the same damn video, you still cried at the sound of his voice.

Still, you forced yourself to watch as the camera zoomed in on Jackson, his usual goofish smile replaced by an uncannily serious look on his face as he ran a hand through his tousled hair.

'I don't know why I decided to do this, but we've been together for 4 years and I don't know, I love you (Y/N) but I had a feeling that I had to do this and I've learnt to act on my instincts when it comes to these kind of things,' he smiled, once before the serious expression stole back on his face once more.

'I know that when it comes to words, I'm the funny guy, the one that makes people laugh but I've never been able to put much eloquence in my words so I'm hoping that this video conveys what I want to say,' he spread his arms out before winking once and pressing something on his side of the screen, the image of his face disappeared like mist under the sunlight the screen reforming into something new.

Slowly, you found a self taken video of Jackson dated back 4 years ago, the first time he went on a date with you. Both of you had had mutual friends that had hooked you up together.

'I'm honestly nervous about this,' you watched as he bit on his fingers, smiling hesitantly to the camera. 'I've never seen this girl but here's to hoping things turn out okay,' he said fervently, before shooting one last smile at the camera.

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