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We and Zaid managed to sneak away, stealing one of the townies cars and we drove away. We decided to go back through the town and out another way since the hazmat guys were blocking the other way.

It was quiet in the car and I looked to Zaid who hasn't spoken a word to me since seeing that guy. It looked like he knew who he was, lying to me and I didn't know how to bring it up. I had enough of the deafening silence before sighing.

"Who was that back there?" I said, looking at him who was driving.


"Zaid, now is not the time to be playing dumb."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zaid says and I scoff.

"You're lying to my face right now."

"I'm not lying."

"You are, I'm not dumb. I can literally tell when people lie and you're lying through your teeth." I said, shaking my head turning my body slightly so I could look at him.


"No, I thought we were past this Zaid. I thought we agreed on no more lying."

"Charmeine-," He tries to speak but I shake my head.

"I'm so done, I thought after today that you'd actually be honest with me. Jesus, I played myself again." I said, scoffing before he suddenly stops making the seatbelt choke me, "Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck-,"

"Look out!" I hear a familiar voice and I looked out the window to see a Mummy.

"Get out!" Zaid yells and I didn't waste any time getting out. I got out and I saw Hope, Josie, Lizzie and Alaric standing a few feet away. The Mummy turned to look at Zaid and I, and it turned around growling at us.

"Oh great." I said and I look to see the girls standing there.

The Mummy opened its mouth and bugs started to fly out, I reacted fast by collecting the gas and creating fire before directing my line of fire towards them. They all burnt to a crisp and before I could attack it, the Mummy points at me and I began to cough hard.

"Charmeine." I hear Zaid say, as I dropped to the ground coughing. He walks over to me as bugs started to come out of my mouth, and the same thing happened to him. I couldn't concentrate on anything but the bugs pouring out of my mouth.

"Mae? Charmeine?" I hear and suddenly the bugs stopped making me gasp. I felt someone grab my shoulders and I looked up to see Hope.

"Hope?" I said, and she brings me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes.

"You're an asshole for leaving me." She says and I chuckled to myself.

"Sorry about that Red." I said, standing up and she chuckles.


Turns out that, Clarke, the guy who I bumped into also the guy who told the group about their company. Hope also reckons his company works with or for Malivore and it seemed to connect the dots.

"Isn't that the angel I've been looking for?" I hear and I turn around to see Kaleb making me laugh.

"You need better pick-up lines."

"He learns from the best." Nate says, appearing next to Kaleb with MG making me chuckle.

"I should've guessed. It sucks." I said, and he smiles. He walks over with the boys and they hugged me, making me smile.

"Can't believe you left without saying goodbye." MG says and I smiled sadly.

"I couldn't be around, especially after putting you through what I did." I said, and MG gives me a look.

"I was concerned about you, and you got me worried after you left." He says and I smiled.

"Don't worry, we were bound to cross paths again. Didn't think it'd be this soon." I said, causing the boys to laugh. I looked to see the girls were arguing but before I could walk over, there were screams coming from inside the tents.

"What's going on?" Zaid asked, walking over and so did the rest of the group.

"What the hell is happening?" A voice says and I looked over to see Clarke, he spots me but before anything happened, I looked over to see the Mummy was well alive.

"I don't know, he should be dead." Alaric says, lying through his teeth.

"Well he clearly isn't."

"He's looking for the urn." I said, looking at them both. Alaric gives me a slight nod and I looked back at Clarke.

"What do we do then?"

"I don't know, give him the urn."

"Can someone give this thing the urn?" Clarke radioed in, before getting an immediate response.

"Can't. The urn's gone." The person on the other side answers.

"Who's been in there?"

"Only our guys."

"Do something." Clarke started to freak out and I snorted lowly to myself.

"Kaleb?" Alaric says, looking at the vampire who nods and uses his vamp speed to grab the scarab out of the mummy's chest. He turns around and throws it towards the twins, who caught it nicely.

Just as Kaleb smirks, the Mummy was about to attack him and my eyes go wide. And just like that, Zaid speeds over pushing the vampire out of the way. Suddenly the Mummy disappears, Zaid turns around slowly and I see him bleeding.

"Zaid? Zaid!" I yelled, running over to him. I reached him just as he dropped to the ground, and I felt the tears come out.

"No, no, please no. Please, Zaid." I cried and I see him looking at me, blood coming out of his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry." He stutters out before he stops breathing and I shake my head.

"Help me!" I screamed out to the group and they rushed over.

"W-What do you want me to do?" Hope asked me and I felt the tears come out strong.

"I-I need a knife. Give me a knife!" I yelled at them, and I felt the knife in my hands.

"What are you doing?"

"M-My blood will heal him. I-It will bring him back." I said, cutting my palm and I bring it to his lips. He wasn't responding and I shake my head, more tears rushing out as I looked at my dead brother.


"No! No! I can't lose him okay. I-I-he's my brother. Help me! Do something!" I yelled at them. I felt my eyes glowing and I screamed out, making a wave and everyone falling back as I let everything out.

I continued to cry and scream out, not knowing the effect it was having right now in the world. I felt the wind pick up around me and my powers coming out, as I looked up at the sky. I held onto Zaid's body as I cried into his chest, holding onto him not wanting him to leave.

"Charmeine." I hear and I looked up to see him.

"Dad, p-please I can't do this. I-I'm sorry, take me instead but please leave him." I cried out and he puts a hand on my face.

"That's not how it works baby, you know that."

"I-I said I hated him. I-how am I supposed to control myself, Dad?"

"You have a family here, people you love and care about. You keep that in mind, and you won't lose control." He says and I looked down to Zaid in my arms before looking back up.

"I'm sorry dad."

"I know my dear, it's not your fault. I don't blame you and Zaid doesn't either. Come now my child." He says and suddenly I was met with darkness.

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