24-I Promise I Won't Lie to You

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The four was riding on their bikes as they were heading to Berk High.

"Astrid!"Heather called out.

"Yeah!"Astrid answered.

"What happens when we get there?"Heather wonders, as they were almost to their destination.

"I'm not sure yet, but whatever happens! Let's hope"Astrid responded.

"But are you sure?"Heather was concern of her friend as hearing her explain the story.

"Yes I'm sure"

"We'll let's hope our luck is on our side"Ruffnut pants"oh man I'm out of shape, looks like it's gonna rain".

Astrid then thought of back then as they continue on their way to Berk High.


Astrid was only seventh grade at the time when she went to this elementary school with her best friend that she counted on. But She met him sometime ago which is why they cared for each other for so long that they developed a bond between friends.

"Hey Astrid! We're going to be late!"

Astrid was quickly jogging with her best friend as they got to the school finally.

"Ugh we made it!"

"That was close"Astrid sighs.

"Yeah, but we didn't get trouble this time huh?"

Astrid laughs"yeah, c'mon let's get to class before Principal Brags A lot spot us".

Both of the two got to class as they got to their assigned seating.

But with realization, Astrid thought of Ethan had some troubles in his life as Ethan was constantly bullied in school, that is why Astrid befriended him when they were so young. To protect him.

Astrid was walking out of the school with her friends and notice that a group of students crowding in as they were cheering on. She quickly ran in to see who's fighting, as She saw Ethan getting hurt.

"Hey!!! Leave him alone!!"Astrid buts in and punches out the bully to save her best friend.

"You should be the shame of yourself you creep!!"Astrid shouted, as she went over to Ethan.

"Ooooh Astrid Hofferson protecting this orphan!"The Bully kicks in the dirt infront of Ethan.

"I'm warning you"Astrid scowl at the bully.

The Bully named Josh spits on the ground"whatever" and walks away. Ethan then glares at Josh as he walks away.

Astrid looks over at Ethan and look around for injuries"you okay! Oh my gosh you're bleeding".

"I'm fine!!"Ethan barks, as he got up right away, dusting himself.

"What happened! Ethan please tell me"Astrid stops him as she kept looking around"please tell me".

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