23 - Decisions

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Thanks everyone for the votes etc lately. I love reading comments so please comment as much as you like :)
Also shipping names are awesome #Joshentine and #Lanna.

"Babies are gross" I say speaking to Anna.

"They're cute" she argues.

"Yeah, once they're born when they're in the stomach its just weird" I try to explain.

"Its only in there for nine months" she replies

"Then it just pops out?"

"I wish it was that easy" she laughs and rubs her stomach, she wasn't showing any bump yet but I didn't think it had been long enough yet.

"So how are you going to tell Turner. Are both of you doing it?" I ask.

"Yeah, you can come if you want. I'm not sure Jamie wants to go, it would be nice if you could make it" she says as we walk back to the office block to grab Luke.

"I'll come, I have nothing better to do"

We fetch Luke from the room and we all head towards the reception to tell Turner about the baby. Luke dings the bell on the desk and Danny runs down the stairs, Turners eldest son.

"What's happening today?" Danny asks.

"We need to speak to Turner, about important matters" Luke leans on the front desk as he speaks.

"I'll tell him Lukey is here" Danny winks ands runs back up the stairs. A few minutes later Turner comes back down the stairs sipping on a coffee, I could smell it.

"What can I do for you folks?" He asks sitting down at the desk.

"We have some news, I don't know if its bad or good" Luke says honestly.

"And that news is?" Turner refrains from taking another sip of the coffee.

"I'm pregnant" Anna blurts out in the open air.

"That's....great, congratulations" he stands up and shakes Luke's hand. I had a feeling he was taken back any didn't know what to say.

"Is this is going to be a problem?" Luke asks him.

"We've never had a birth here before. It will be interesting, we have a Dr so we can keep tabs on it. I will set a new collectors list for baby items, I take it about 8 months to prepare?"

"Quite possibly 7 months. I have no idea." Anna says honestly.

"Well we have a hell of a lot of baby formula. I made the collectors bring back everything they can find and when I mean everything I mean everything! I had a feeling this would happen, no worries though. We're in a stable environment, its safe." Turner sips on his coffee again.

"So you're okay with this?" Luke asks confused.

"Why wouldn't I be okay with it? I'm not going to slaughter her or anything. She's your god damn wife, we need new kids in this world anyway. Humans will be extinct soon with this messed up world. A baby would bring joy, a new generation is what we need." Turner says his point.

"Thank you buddy. I can't stress how grateful I am for all of your hospitality" Luke shakes Turners hand again.

"Its what I'm here for, oh and Clem. Can I borrow you?" Turner asks and I finally pay attention. My head shoots to face his direction.

My big brother Luke (The Walking Dead Game) Where stories live. Discover now