Figured Out

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Yo guys I'm back and I'm sorry for being late :(
No one's POV:

We were sitting there on the ground while some of us were sitting on the tree branches waiting for Rufus to come back with Meredy.

Then Atsui who was sitting on the highest branch shouted, "Yo guys! I think Rufus is back!" He shouted when he saw a ball of air speeding towards their direction.

But it wasn't Rufus.

"Mika?!" They got surprised when Mika was the one who showed up slightly panting.

"Why are you here? Is something wrong?" Asked Rei wearing a worried expression.

"Well...yeah..." Mika Explained everything to them.

"Who the hell is threatening us?!" Yelled Atsui with rage in his eyes.

"I met Rufus on the way here an'told him..but he went back te Rave te fetch Meredy." She continued.

"Who might threaten you?" Asked Cole.

"Do you perhaps have any enemies out there? Or someone holding a grudge on you?" Asked Theo.

"I don't think so..." Said Manaka And Hira.

"Well that can't be good...this time it was just a threatening arrow that was going to hurt you and Skylar...who knows what they'll do next...we have to track them down." Said Erika seriously.

"You're" Said Gray while Ik deep thought.

At these moments, Rufus had returned with Meredy.

"Yo guys I'm back!"

"Rufus! Meredy! Great we're all here now..." Said Manaka with a relieved smile.

'It's better if we stick together for now...' she thought.

"Sorry Theo...the mission will have to wait until we figure out who's after us." Said Rei turning to Theo.

Theo smiled "Of course. We shall help you if it must get worse." He said while glancing at his 3 members as they nodded.

"Thank you."

>>Time Skip>>

The band of 7 along with the Howlers and Mika and Meredy were on their way back to Rave Town to try and figure out who is behind this.

[Mean while at Rave...]

Skylar and Leon were on their way to the new ramen place that Skylar wanted to try.

But something stopped them in the middle of their tracks. Something sharp.


It was a mini knife that was thrown at them and this time, Leon was the one who got cut in the shoulder.

"Argh...the hell?!" He groaned in pain as his shirt stained red with the blood.

"Oh my god are you ok?!" Asked Skylar with a worried expression looking at Leon's injured shoulder.

"I am fine do not worry..."he looked at her, "...grab that knife...something might be written on it as well." And she did so as they both examined the knife.

"There!" Shouted Skylar when she noticed something very small written on the handle.

'If the band of 7 doesn't show will die first...'

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