When Danger Approaches

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Still no one's POV:

"What does that supposed to mean?!" exclaimed Atsui.

Gray then told them to follow him towards his class and when they arrived there and took a look inside, their eyes widened as well...

"This is bad..."

"Pretty bad..."

"Did you see him do this?" asked Manaka but Gray shook his head.

They all sighed deeply while Rufus closed the classroom's door shut.

They returned back to class 1-B and Manaka opened the door, "Sorry miss, but we have a Band Of 7 Emergency Case of the highest level right now. Please excuse us."

All the students panicked and started murmuring to each other because they all now that a band of 7 emergency case is a dangerous case let alone one of the highest level!

"Oh dear, did something huge happen?" asked the teacher worried.

"Oh nothing much! Just the most strong and fearful villain is roaming the academ-OW!" started Atsui foolishly but Rufus smacked him on the back of his head to shut him up quickly before the whole class breaks into panic mode.

"Ehm..I would like all of you to stay here for the time being." Manaka ordered them, "Don't worry everyone, everything's under control!" She shouted then closed the door and they started walking away...

"Um Manaka?" asked Gray.


"What exactly is under control?"

"Nothing's under control." she answered, "I just said that to relieve them a bit and not to make them worry any more than they already are."

They sighed...

"This is a serious problem now." stated Erika.

"Correction: problemSSSS." added Atsui.

"First, Rei's body as well as his powers are being possessed by Elijah. Second, There's a whole class along with their teacher frozen in their places. Third, we still don't know where is the REAL Rei. Fourth, There's a crazy powerful villain who no one has any idea what he truly looks like and to what extent his powers and abilities can go IS currently roaming our academy in Rei's body." Explained Manaka.

"Worse case scenario: What if someone supernatural like us sees Elijah and thinks that he's Rei then starts telling him something Elijah shouldn't know?" Suggested Atsui.

"Let's just hope it doesn't go that bad..." Hira said.

"Okay so now, change of plans! Wether he finds out that we know about him or not, we have to find him and-"


"NO Atsui! Rei might still be inside! No killing till we make sure Rei's safe!" Yelled Erika.

"I'm in for the killin."



Erika sighed, "Anyway, I suggest we tell our other friends about this. More people looking, a greater chance in finding him."

"What other friends?" Asked Rufus.

"Leon, Skylar, Meredy and Mika." She answered him and Rufus rolled his eyes at the last name.

"Yeah whatever."

He still hasn't made up with Mika, it seems.

Erika's POV:

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