Back To Skull Island

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Sorry guys I'm late....again :(

But your author-Chan here finally finished her exams WOOHOO~!!

P.S: Say hi to Mer ;) ⬆️
Gray's POV:

Rei and I were walking to school. The past few days were, going underground and rescuing Mika and Skylar from Levy who is now a friend not an enemy and helping her find her dead-but-actually-alive boyfriend who turned out to be a ninja after the ninja clan saved his li-

"GRAY!" I heard someone shouting my name...looks like my twin.


"I've been calling your name for hours now!"

"Stop exaggerating and yeah I zoned out..."

"*sigh* anyway, I wanted to tell you that I have a feeling that we forgot something..."

"Forgot something? Like what? Something you forgot at home?"

"No no...something that all our band is involved into...but I can't remember...."

"Yah just forget it and chill."

Rei looked at me as if I'm crazy.

Well it IS crazy to tell a snow devil slayer to "chill" if you know what I mean...

>>Time skip>>

[at school]


I heard Rufus yawn for the 8th time and honestly I don't blame him...we don't get that much sleep especially our band. Sometimes we just return from school, do our homework, study...if I feel like it....then sleep. And some other times we have jobs that take more than one day and we go back home exhausted as hell so's tough being in the town's strongest supernatural band.

And finally we had a short break!

Erika's POV:

'As we now have a break...I'll head to the restroom for a few minutes' I thought to myself.

I stood up from my seat, "Where are you going Rika?" Atsui asked while stretching his back.

"The restroom." I answered him simply as he nodded and I headed out.

In the restroom, I was standing in front of the sink washing my hands when a familiar girl opened one of the stalls and came to stand beside me.

"Oh...Hello Rebecca." I greeted her. But then again...she's not a student here she doesn't even wear our uniform so why is she here??

"Hello Erika, it's been a while." She smiled at me as I dried my hands and turned to her.

"What brought you here in our academy?" I tried asking without seeming too rude. But she just kept her calm smile.

"Theo sent me. Don't forget, you guys still have a mission to complete."

"Mission?" I tilted my head in confusion.

She chuckled lightly, "Erika...don't tell me you forgot about OUR mission."

I still looked puzzled to her.

She sighed, "Skull island? Does that ring any bells?"



Skull island! We didn't finish our mission there!

I totally forgot!

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