The Gates {Part 2}

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No one's POV:

"Where's Hira?"

They all looked around them but no sign of Hira anywhere.

"No way...i-is she still inside the gate?" Asked Erika in fear and worry.

"Oh no..."

"HIRA!" All of the band of 7 ran back to the collapsed gate in search for Hira.




Meredy and The Howlers soon joined in, helping them search for her desperately.

While removing the damaged rocks and stones, Rei found one of her fox ears poking from under what's left of the gate.

"HIRA!" He yelled as he quickly removed all the stones and rocks to free her from under them while the others ran to his spot after hearing him yell her name.

"Oh no...H-Hira?" Rei spoke quietly while holding her in his arms and shaking her a bit. "Hira please wake up."

All of them gathered around an unconscious Hira with worry written on their faces.

"Hira...please....wake up!"

"You're stronger than this!"


"She is alive I assure you." Stated Theo, "I can hear her heart beating."

After a few minutes they heard wincing and directly looked at Hira who was slowly opening her eyes.

"HIRA! THANK GOD!" Yelled Manaka in relief while taking her into a tight hug.

"Thank god..."

"I was scared."

"You worried us..."

"Argh...sorry...I didn't make it in time...." she said slowly while sitting up and rubbing her head.

(Fun fact: Although Hira can use all types of healing magic, she can't heal herself...that's a downside.)

"Are you sure you're okay?" Meredy asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worr-ow!" Hira said but when she tried to stand up she felt intense pain in her right ankle.

"Oh no...Hira..your ankle is badly bruised!" Stated Gray.

"I guess....I'm really sorry..." she said with her head down.

"Why are you apologising?! It's not your fault the stupid gates collapse when we grab the object!" Stated Atsui.

"You can't walk like that." Said Lucas.

"C'mon...get on." Said Gray as he bent down and gave her his back so she could ride on.

>>Time Skip>>

"We're here...this is the air gate." Said Rebecca as they were now standing in front of another huge grey gate.

"You sure you can do this?" Gray asked Hira before putting her down to do her job.

She nodded and took her position.

"Fox magic: WIND SWIRL!"


"Fox magic: TORNADOOOOO!"




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