This Isnt Shopping...

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I skipped down the stairs and jumped on the couch. Taylor looked up from his phone and looked at me with a smile. "Yes?" He said. I put on my best puppy dog eyes. "Can we please go to the mall today." "Sure." He said getting up. "Ple-wait what?" He laughed and pulled me up, I was standing in front of him. "I said 'Sure' ,now get ready." He said kissing me and going upstairs to change.
Once we were changed, we got inside Taylor's 2014 Corvette and drove to the nearest mall.
"We're here." Taylor said in a sing-song voice. He turned off the engine and walked to my side of the car, opening the door for me. "Aren't you a gentleman." I said pecking his lips. He blushed. "Let's get inside, before anyone notices us." "I'd doubt it." I said putting on my sunglasses.
"Where to first?" He said once we entered the mall. "Hmm? Forever 21." Taylor nodded and we went to the second floor where the small store was located.
"What about this one?" I said holding up a Nirvana muscle-tee. "It looks great." He says not looking up from his phone. "Taylor!" I whined. He chuckled and put his phone away. "We've spent about an hour in here, you've already picked 10 different things. Can we get food now?" I grabbed the shirt and nodded. After the cashier checked it out, we went down to the food court and luckily this mall had In & Out! It's Taylor and I's favorite fast food restaurant.
We stood in line, when it was out turn to order we heard screams from behind. Taylor tensed up. I let go of his hand and pushed him towards the group of girls. "Are you sure?" He said. I nodded and walked out of the line.
"Omg! Can I take a picture with both of you?" A girl said. I nodded and took her phone. "Thank you so much! You guys are my number one OTP!" I smiled and hugged her.
After we met all of his fans, we decided to skip In & Out and just go home.
"Thank you." He said once we got inside our shared home. "For what?" I said setting down my bags. "For staying with me to meet the fans." I smiled and kissed him. "No problem. I'm tired so I'm just gonna head to bed." He nodded and gave me another kiss.
When I laid down I got a Twitter notification.
@TayTayIsLyfe: Met these two today!!! @taylorcaniff @Y/T/N! They were so sweet @Y/T/N is super pretty in person!"
It was the girl from the mall. I decided to follow her after I saw Taylor had followed her as well.
I love how Taylor cares so much about his fans... They are his everything.

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