He Cheats 1/2

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Your P.O.V
Taylor has been avoiding me for a few days now. He hasn't been replying to my texts or answering my calls. Also, he hasn't been on social media. I need to find out what's going on.
I lightly knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and I saw a shirtless, sleepy Taylor. "Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?" "N-no, no! Uhhh... come in." He said opening the door wider. I walked in and sat on his couch. "Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you about something." He said. "What is it?" I said turning my body so I can face him. He mumbled something under his breath but I couldn't hear what is was. "What?" I said. "I cheated." I heard it but I wanna make sure I heard it right. "Taylor speak up." I said beginning to panic. "I cheated on you, okay!" He yelled and stood up. I sat down on the couch trying to soak it all in. I stood up and began pacing around the living room. "Look I'm sorry okay I didn't mean to c-" "No! You can't just cheat on someone and saw you didn't mean to cheat on them!" "It was an accident! I was drunk!" Taylor pleaded. I turned completely around to face him. "Drunk? Why are you even drinking! You're underaged!" "I know it's just..." He cut himself off and sighed. "Just what?" "I've been stressed and homesick. I've got no one to talk about it." I felt a pang of guilt and anger all over my body. "Why didn't you talk to me about it?" I said slowly. "Because you cheated on me with Dillon!" He threw his hands in the hands, frustrated. "What? No I didn't!" He picked up a magazine off of the coffee table and threw it at me.
It landed on my feet, in bold the headline says, 'Taylor Caniffs Girlfriend, Y/F/N Cheats On Him For This Mysterious Hunk?'
I read the line over and over again. I looked at the picture, it was a few weeks ago when I was with Dillon. He was helping me pick out a Christmas present for Taylor. And clearly us 'kissing' is photoshop. My other arm is missing! "That's photoshop." "That's what they all say." Taylor said rolling his eyes.
"You know what Taylor? You cheated on me and you can't trust me. We're done." I said grabbing my purse and walking towards the door. "Leave Y/N. I don't care anymore!" I opened the door and flipped him off before walking to my car.
I texted Dillon saying what happened and explain to Taylor what really happened. Yeah, I broke up with him but he deserves to know the truth. Plus, I don't want that stupid rumor to ruin their friendship.

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