He Cheats 2/2

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Taylor's P.O.V
It's been 2 days, 3 hours, and 9 minutes since we broke up. Not that I'm counting...
I feel bad for cheating on her. I wish I could take back that night and still be with her. But she did cheat on me as well, with my best friend! I thought she was different, that they were both different. I feel like I've got no one to trust anymore...
To be honest, I've been better. I've barely ate or talk to anyone since then. Sometimes, I go down to the lake by my house and skip rocks or drive around town. To try to keep me sane.
*Knock, Knock*
I sighed and sat up. I opened the door, it was Dillon, the guy my ex-girlfriend cheated on me with. I felt anger running throughout my body, I sent Dillon a glare and slammed the door. Sadly, it didn't close because he stuck his damn foot in. "Just hear me out!" "Why should I!" I said opening the door. "You got it all wrong." He said. I scoffed, "Why should I believe you?" It was silent. "Gimme the magazine." He said. "What?" "Where's the damn magazine!" I walked to the waste bin by the couch and fished out the magazine.
He snatched the magazine from my grip and held the picture of Y/N and him. "Brag much?" I said rolling my eyes. "No! Look at the picture." "I am." He pointed to Y/N. "Her other arm is missing. She was right. It's completely photoshop." He explained. My jaw dropped, Y/N, the girl that loved me more than anything is probably hurting right now because of me. Y/N is right, I cheated and I didn't trust her.
"Oh my f-" "Save your words Taylor." Dillon snapped. He threw the magazine down and walked back to his car. I lost my two best friends... I need to fix things, quick.

Your P.O.V
Dillon was mad at first but after a day he finally agreed to talk to Taylor.
All I've been doing is sleeping, crying, eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream and watching sad romantic movies in Y/F/N guest room. Yup, I've been staying at Y/F/N house. Before the break up, I lived with Taylor and I'm pretty sure you can tell why I wouldn't crash there...I decided to get my things tomorrow.
"Y/N! Dillon's here to see talk to you!" I heard Y/F/N voice. I paused the movie and walked downstairs. "What?" I said laying down on the couch. "Wow you look-" I looked up at Dillon. "Beautiful." He grinned. I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Don't lie. I'm too lazy to even look beautiful." He sat down next to me. "Well I explained what happened. And he may or may not be outside waiting for you." My eyes went wide. I ran upstairs and took a quick shower. I put my hair up into a ponytail and put on my light washed shorts and a band tee.
"Go get him,tiger!" Dillon cheered. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. My breathe hitched when I saw him leaning against his Corvette. "What are you doing here?" I said with a bit of an attitude. His head shot up. "We need to talk." I raised an eyebrow, "Okay. I talk, you listen." I nodded and motioned for him to continue.
"Y/N, you don't know how truly sorry I am. You're right, I shouldn't have cheated and gotten drunk, to be honest it tasted like horse piss." I couldn't help but giggle. He smiled and continued, "And you're also right about my lack of trust. I should've believed you or at least talked to you about my stress and me being homesick. I love you so much and I should've been more responsible of my actions." I slowly nodded. "If you can find it in your heart, can you please give me a second chance."
I thought about it for a moment. I do believe in second chances but it's gonna take awhile for Taylor to earn my trust back. I nodded. He went to hug but I pushed him lightly. He raised an eyebrow. "You're gonna have to start all over, Caniff." "Huh?" I cleared my throat and held my hand out. "Hi, I'm Y/N." He smiled and kissed my hand, which caused me to blush. "I'm Taylor. Do you wanna go get some coffee with me?" "Sure, just let me get my phone." Right when I said that, Dillon ran in with my purse and my Vans with a pair of socks, since I was just wearing slippers. "Thanks." I said.
Taylor walked around his car and opened the passenger seat, "What a gentleman." I smirked. He laughed and walked around to get to his seat. "Ready?" I nodded. "So Y/N tell me a little bit about yourself?" I smiled and began telling him facts about me he already knows.
I can't wait to get past this and move on to the next chapter of our lives...

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