Christmas Presents

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It was Taylor and I's favorite time of the year, CHRISTMAS!
Every year we promise to get the same amount of gifts for each other. This year, we decided on three gifts each.
I got him a new Marc Jacobs watch, a dozen new bandanas and a new Mac Book since his old one broke.
I woke up to someone jumping on the bed. "Wake up! It's Christmas!" I heard Taylor screaming. I groaned and turned over, 8:35am, the digital clock read. I was shocked when I felt Taylor's weight on my back. "Five more minutes." I mumbled. "No! The sky is awake, so I'm awake." He said dramatically. Is he really quoting Frozen right now? I giggled. I felt his chest vibrate, signaling he was chuckling. "Come on, I wanna give you my presents!" I stood and leaned on Taylor. He grabbed my hand and lead me downstairs.
The fireplace was on, there was hot cocoa and toast on a tray, Christmas songs were softly playing. It looked like it was straight out of a movie scene. I turned around and smiled at Taylor, "Did you do all this?" He blushed and nodded. I smiled and hugged him. He spun me around and set me down on a bean bag before taking a seat on another. "Me first!" I said. I grabbed the boxes from under the tree and handing it to him. "What can it be?" He said shaking the box that had the bandanas in it. He opened it and smiled, "I needed new bandanas!" "Open that one." I said pointing to the smaller box. He reached for it and tore the wrapping paper, he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Last one." I said. "Woah! This is a bit heavy." He said pulling it onto his lap. He ripped the wrapping paper and looked at it for a few seconds before tackling me to the ground and attacking my face with kisses. "Thank you very very much." He said in between kisses. "You're very very welcome." We sat up and he reached under the tree for my presents. "Okay, here ya go." He said handing me the smallest one. I opened the cute little bag and pulled out the jewelry box. I opened it and saw it was half of a heart, it had Taylor's initials on it. I looked up and saw he was holding the other half, it had my initials on it. "I have one too." I smiled and opened the next one, I quickly tore off the wrapping paper and tore open the box. It was a dress that I've had my eyes on for a few weeks now. I leaned over and hugged him. He handed me the last one. "Heavy!" He said jokingly. I grabbed the big but light box from his grasp and set it down. It was a giant box, I opened it and it was another box, then another, then another, and hey! It was another box! "Taylor!" I laughed throwing a box lid at him. "You have two more to go." He said sipping his hot cocoa. I opened another box then I saw a box with a bow on it. "Open it." He said. "It going to be another box?" He laughed and shook his
head. His laugh is so contagious, I stopped laughing when I saw what was inside it, my jaws dropped. "I can't accept this." I said throwing the keys at him. "Too bad! No refunds." He grabbed my hand and lead me to our garage. My new Range Rover was parked next to his. It was a white one (A/N: Sorry it's not pink), and I saw he installed pink seat covers. I turned around and hugged him. Thanking him over and over again. "Let's take a picture with our Range Rovers!" He said excitedly. We posed for a few pictures and headed back inside. "That reminds me I have one more present for you!" He sighed, "But we agreed three each!" "Whatever." I said and walking upstairs to get the last present.
"Open it! Hurry!" He tore off the wrapping paper and looked at me like I was crazy. "Why do I need a box of tampons?" I giggled when he threw the away from him. "Just open the box!" He sighed and stood up to open it. His eyes widen. I smiled. He threw it on the couch and ran over to hug me. "WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS!"

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