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(Disclaimer: EXTREMELY SAD.
I cried while writing this. Please don't steal.)

Wrote and Edited: 1/4/15

"Mom!" Y/D/N yelled. "Yes?" You said setting down the dish you were cleaning. "Who's Taylor Caniff?" Your heart skipped a beat. You remembered the boy who made you smile and laugh. The boy who would go around places yelling cock, wiener, and pubic hair! You remembered when he would make videos of him and his friends doing dumb, crazy things. The boy who made time in his life to making people laugh/smile, he just wanted to be known as the 'funny guy'. The boy who made it possible to meet him by going on tour just to meet fans. Taylor Michael Caniff was the boy who saved lives or even just made people crack a smile when they're having a bad day. He was your superhero.
"Mom?" Y/D/N said waving her hand in front of your face. "Huh? Oh,what about Taylor Caniff?" Y/D/N pulled out her iPhone 35 and went on Twitter. "The hashtags #RIPTaylorCaniff and #TheFunnyGuyGone are trending." She said. Your heart stopped. "What? H-how?" You said drying your hands off and walking over to your daughter. "Says here; 'Taylor Caniff, past Internet sensation and comedian was pronounced dead this morning, May 8, 2045, at 11:35am. Caniff was in a car crash on his way back from a party. Officers say his car was hit from the back by a drunk driver who is now in custody. Eye witnesses say once the car was hit it swerved out of control and eventually rolled down a ditch. Caniff was transported to Gibson General Hospital last night. Doctors performed surgery but the antibiotics did not kick in, in time. Mr. Caniff was only 50 and a father to three kids. Rest In Peace, the funny guy. You will never be forgotten." Your daughter read aloud. "I have to go run to the store real quick, need anything?" You sniffed. "Umm, some candy and Nutella would be nice." She said not looking up from her phone. You grabbed your keys and walked to your car.
You sat in your car trying to process all this. He can't be dead. Eventually tears began rolling down your cheeks. Your phone began to ring. It was your husband, probably calling to let you know he was going home. You threw your phone on the passenger seat and started your engine.
On the way to the store, memories of him flooded your mind, from his very first Keek, his first Vine, his first YouTube video, all his tweets and Instagram posts, when he was a part of the Original 9, when he announced the RV Project. You looked up and stepped on the break before you ran a red light. Tears kept flowing, 'Taylor Caniff' 'He's dead' 'You will never be forgotten' You could hear your daughters voice saying those things. Once the light turned green you pulled up into the parking lot and parked your car before breaking down. You've only met him a couple times but he's had a big impact on your life. He was your superhero, it was you two against the world. But every superhero has an ending, good or bad.
You put on your sunglasses and got out of your car. You have to keep living your life, without your superhero.

Sorry for making you cry
I need Kleenex
What did I just write

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