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"Hello this is the Latson General Hospital Maternity Ward, my name is Dawn, what can I do for you today?" A lady answered on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Dawn! I would to schedule an appointment to confirm a pregnancy. I took a test at home and it was positive and I have all of the symptoms, but I know it's routine to have a confirmation check-up," I told her.

"Alright! How does Wednesday at four pm sound to you?" She asked. I pulled the phone away from my face and covered the speaker as I turned to Wyatt.

"Can you do Wednesday at four?" I asked him. He nodded before looking back down at him phone. I uncovered the speaker and put my phone back up to my ear.

"Wednesday at four works great!" I informed her.

"Alright, can I have your name?" She asked me. I sucked in a deep breath because everybody would know I was my mother's daughter.

"Kennedy Harden," I told her.

"And how old are you?"


"Alrighty then! We will see you Wednesday at four pm! Have a great day." She chirped.

"You as well!" I responded

"Buh bye!"

"Now everybody in the maternity ward is going to be gossiping that my mother's daughter is pregnant!" I groaned after I ended the call.

"So what? Let them gossip, we are perfectly happy," Wyatt smiled as he put down his phone rubbed my shoulders.

"You're always right!" I noted as I turned to fully face him.

"So how about baby names now?" He asked me.

"Yes! But we aren't picking anything today. As my old English teacher used to say, you need to let everything marinate in your head!" I giggled.

"Marinate?" He asked as I reached down into my back pack to find the notebook I had written in earlier. I also grabbed the colored markers I had been using so everything matched.

"Okay, so I thought of four names for both a boy and a girl at least to get us started." I told Wyatt after I opened the notebook to the back page.

"What were your ideas?" He asked me.

"For a boy, I liked Levi, Noah, Adrian Chase. And for a girl I liked Oakley, Grace, Natalia, and Hazel," I listed off. Wyatt nodded his head at most of them except two.

"Adrian seems like the name of an f-boy," He told me. I looked at the name a second longer and then nodded.

"Yeah, you're right," I said before crossing it off the list.

"I like Levi and Noah, but I think we should also add Caleb and Troy," he told me.

"Troy as in Troy Bolton?" I giggled.

"Nevermind," he chuckled, "I don't think I could handle the pressure of having a High School Musical baby."

I shook my head at him before I added Caleb to the list. I then grabbed the marker for girl names and uncapped it.

"I like all of the names for the girls," Wyatt informed me.

"If you had to pick your favorite right now, what would it be?" I asked.

"Probably Oakley or Grace." He told me.

"Me too!"

I pulled out a highlighter and highlighted those two names and also highlighted Levi and Noah on the boys side.

"This seems so surreal," Wyatt whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked into his blue eyes.

"It's crazy to think that in less than nine months we'll have a baby here. A real life, pooping, crying, and breathing baby," I realized.

"And they'll be perfect," Wyatt added in.

"It's because their father is so incredibly handsome," I giggled.

"Really? I thought it was because there mother was breathtakingly gorgeous."

I lifted my head off of Wyatt's shoulder and turned to face him. I gave him a kiss and pulled away when I heard the door open. Wyatt's arms dropped to his side and I got up to see who it was.

"Hi honey!" My mom yelled as she pulled if her coat and kicked off her shoes in the entryway.

"Hey Mom!" I smiled.

"I heard you made your appointment, all of the ladies were already talking about it," She informed me as she pinched my cheek.

"Do they ever stop gossiping?" I asked her.

"Not really," She walked into the kitchen and noticed Wyatt sitting at the table. "How are you Wyatt?"

"I'm great Mrs. Harden," Wyatt responded with a grin on his face.

"I don't know what my children would do without you I their lives," Mom sighed. She made her way over the the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before heading towards the exit of the kitchen.

"I'm going to go take a nap, but will be back down in a bit to make dinner! Feel free to stay Wyatt!" Mom informed us before she turned the corner to head up the stairs.

"She really likes you," I told Wyatt as I walked back over to where he was sitting at the table.

"That puts so much pressure on me, I wouldn't want to see your mother mad at me if I broke your heart," He chuckled.

I giggled, "Then don't!" I grabbed Wyatt's hands and pulled him into the living room before plopping down on the couch. He sat down next to me and I got comfortable, with my head resting in his chest.

"Now that my mom mentioned a nap, all I want is a nap," I yawned. Wyatt wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Agreed," He muttered before yawning himself. I shut my eyes and focused on Wyatt's heartbeat before drifting to sleep.

A while later, I woke up to the front door shutting and Grayson yelling, "You're gross!" I groaned as I stretched and rubbed my eyes. I felt Wyatt stir next to me and I turned to look at him before placing a kiss on his lips.

He chuckled, "That would have been a lot cuter if your brother didn't just yelled that we are gross."

I shrugged my shoulder before standing up and lifting my arms over my head to stretch. When I did so my shirt lifted up as well, revealing a slightly noticable bump.

"Kenny, you have a bump," Wyatt gasped as he quickly stood up and rested his hands on my stomach.

"I guess we know there really is a baby in there," I giggled before resting my hands on top of Wyatt's.

"Unless you're just extra fat!" Grayson yelled from the kitchen.

"Thanks Gray! You just made my day!" I yelled back in a very sarcastic tone. Wyatt changed his hand position so he was now holding my hands.

"Don't listen to him! He's just being annoying. You are beautiful," He told me before pressing a kiss on my forehead.


Hello to all of my favorite people! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates (I'm still technically posting this on Christmas Day, just super late for me at 11:52 PM), if you don't celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays! I hope you all have an amazing day! Thank you all so much for reading this story! It means the world to me!

xx - Sid

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