Chapter 29

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Nicole, Gabriel, and his parents were in the dining room having breakfast on a Monday morning.

"You two couldn't keep your hands to yourself Saturday night." Helen teased causing Gabriel and Nicole to stare at her in surprise.

"Oh, don't give me that look. I noticed you guys weren't coming downstairs to see your guests off, so I came to your bedroom and saw you both sound asleep in each other's arms." She explained making Nicole blush in embarrassment.

"Honey, can you just let them be?" Jacob said to his wife.

"What did I do?" Helen asked in confusion.

"I mean, I like the fact that she can make my son go to bed early unlike you."

Jacob rolled his eyes at his wife's statement and continued eating. Nicole couldn't help but smile at their little conversation, Gabriel was a lot like his dad, they were both men of little words.

Gabriel stood up from his chair indicating that he was done with his breakfast.

"I'm leaving for work," He announced.

His parents said their goodbyes while Nicole walked him to the car.

"Have a nice day at work," Nicole said to him when they got to the car.

She wanted to give him a goodbye kiss but she had no idea how he'd react to that so she just stood there looking anywhere but at him. Gabriel placed his index finger under her chin so she would look at him, he leaned in and placed a kiss on Nicole's lips.

"Mom is watching" He whispered to her, his minty breath fanning her face

Nicole got the message and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.

"Goodbye," He said after the kiss.

She waved him goodbye when he got into the car and turned around to find Helen standing at the door smiling at their little moment, she gestured for Nicole to come to her which she did.

"Thank you for making my baby happy again," She said to Nicole holding her hand as they walked back into the mansion.


Gabriel had gone to another company to strike a business deal. After hours of negotiation, the deal was sealed and the meeting ended. Gabriel came out of the board room and was told by his PA that he received a call earlier from his secretary, that a lady named Samantha Davis was waiting for him. Gabriel was surprised to hear that, he wasn't expecting Samantha to go look for him in his office.

What was he to do now? He wondered because he was in no mood to talk to her knowing pretty well why she wanted to see him. He came out of the company building and climbed into his car, his chauffeur began driving him back to his company.

Gabriel didn't want to be rude to Samantha in any way because she had been there for him in the past but how was he to go about this? His thoughts then went to Nicole and he immediately reached for his phone and sent her a text. He hoped she would get the message behind his text.

Nicole was in the living room with Helen, they were about to go out because they got a call from the boutique that the designer was done with the alterations for the wedding gown when Nicole's phone beeped, she looked at her phone and saw a text from Gabriel, it read,

'Can you come over to my office? I need you here'

Nicole wondered why Gabriel wanted her to go to his office. He was mad at her the last time she was there, so why the sudden change of mind?

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