The Sacrifice for Freedom

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It was near dusk when Sally had reached the castle gate. She stared at the scary castle and said to herself, "What is this place?" She noticed the entrance was slightly open. Creeping inside, she kept her fear in and hope that she will find her father. She walked up to the doors and silently opened the left one. "Hello, is anyone here?" she called out. Nothing, not even a subtle whisper. The only sound that returned was her own voice. After silently closing the door, Sally walked further into the castle. She walked up to the red carpet stairs. She started looking for a sign, a voice, or anything that would at least help her. "Daddy, are you're here?" no response. Meanwhile, Rotor the Robian walrus and Antoine the Robian coyote were in a room not too far from the dungeon tower. Rotor was still angered by the fact that Antoine had let in a stranger. Now they were both in trouble by their master. "Just couldn't keep quiet, could you? Letting him, trying to be kind by letting him stay as long as he wants, scaring him away by trying to talk with him, huh!?" Rotor argued. "We practically helped ze Master become ze way he is," Antoine said arguing back. "Well, I suppose we did," Rotor said in a disappointed tone. "All I can hope for, iz that I will still have my Mobian humanity if ze Master breaks zis curse," Antoine said in a sad tone. Rotor walked up to Antoine, patted his friend on the back, and comforted him, "Just hold on, buddy. Just hold on." "Hello?" a Mobian voice ask. The Robians froze still and silently turned their heads to the entrance and saw Sally in her cloak walking by slowly. In this tense moment, the two said nothing and stayed as still as the creature made out of metal they are. When Sally left and were sure that she wouldn't hear them, they sighed with relief. "Ooh, it'z a girl," Antoine said to Rotor. The two smiled, not realizing the great opportunity. It was life five seconds when they realized and shouted to each other, "IT'S A GIRL!" Antoine rushed to the door, "Mademoiselle! Yoo-hoo!" Fortunately, Rotor grabbed him by the arm, "Antoine, hold on a minute! Let's not be hasty!" he loudly whispered. "Why? She's ze one! Ze one who will break ze spell! After all these year, a girl has finally come to save us!" Antoine said whispering back cheerfully. Rotor argued. "But we can't just barge right over there looking like this! She'll run right out of here! I have a plan..." Rosemary was washing dishes in the kitchen. She was disappointed that the Master would imprison an old man when he grabbed a rose from a tree branch. However, her thoughts were gone when her son was rushing to her. "Momma, there's a girl in the castle," Tails said very happy. It was silent for a few seconds, but Rosemary composed herself and chuckled, "Well, bless my soul. Wouldn't that be lovely?" "But I really did! I saw a real, flesh and blood girl!" Tails said in a disappointed tone because his mother didn't believe him. Rosemary knew better than to yell at her son turned to him and scolded him in a fair but firm way, "Miles Prower, I did not raise you to tell lies. I won't have you giving the others high hopes for absolutely no reason..." "Mrs. Prowah!" a female southern accent shouted. The two Robian fox turned to see a Robian rabbit rushing towards them. "Did'ja hear? There's a girl in the castle! I saw 'er mah-self!" the rabbit said with excitement. Rosemary's face held shock and amazement. She was so stunned that she didn't bother scolding her son's rejoice, "See, what I told you. And she's very pretty too." "Ok, you got it?" Rotor ask. Antoine gave a thumbs' up and smiled, confident that Rotor's plan will work. He sneaked out of the room, looked down the hallway, and saw Sally near the entrance to the dungeon tower. When he reached the door, he quickly tip-toed until he was right behind her. When he reached the door, he quickly slid in, making sure the door made a loud creak. It caught Sally's attention, for it may have been a Mobian, "Hello?" She turned and saw the open door. Sally raced to it, walked in, and cried out, "Hello, is anyone here?" No answer. It was merely a spiral, stone staircase with a little light. However, a light at the top of the stairs was flickering, and it was moving upwards. Hoping it was someone who lived in the castle, Sally started to chase to the light, "Wait, I'm just looking for my father!" Little did she know, Rotor smirked as his plan was starting to work as plan, now it was time to get the Master. When Sally stopped at the top of the stairs, she realized that she was in a small prison. Gargoyles were holding unlit torches as large wooden doors signified the jail cells. The temperature in the room was just as cold as it was outside, and the stones weren't helping. But what was most surprising was that there was not a soul to be found. Sally walked in further, unaware of Antoine hiding around a corner in the shadows, "That's odd, I could have sworn there was someone." Dismissing this as her imagination, she called out in case if there was somebody, "Is anyone here?" No response again. Sally sighed, now knowing that there might not be anyone in this large castle at all. However, after she turned and before she could step back on the first step, a voice that sounded like a grandpa disrupted the silence, "Sally, is that you?" She knew that voice. She spun around, and looked at the cell that the voice came out. "Daddy!" she cried out, horrified of his situation. Sally rushed towards him, grabbing the only lit torch as a light. Sure enough, the old hedgehog knelt down behind a small hole with bars. He reached his hand out, a smile etched on his face, "How did you find me?" Sally took his hand and held it to her cheek, noticing that his hands felt as cold as a frozen steak, "You can thank Cyrus for finding your scarf. Oh, your hands are cold!'' She cringed when Max coughed harshly into his other hand. It was clear the he had fallen ill from the winter air. She regained her confidence and reassured Max, "Don't worry daddy, I'm gonna get you out of here." However, what shocked Sally was that he said something she never thought he'd say, "Sally, listen to me. I want you to get out of this place as fast as you can and never come back!" Stunned, Sally ignored his command and said in an infuriated tone, "Who did this to you?" It was true that the people in town thought he was crazy, but she never thought a few would go as far as to put him in a dungeon tower so cold. However, Max ignored her, looking around as if he was expecting someone, and said with fear present in his voice, "No time to explain! You must go! Now!" "I'm not leaving you!" Sally yelled out, completely confused as to why her uncle was accepting his fate. "Sally, please! Go before he finds you!" Max pleaded. Sally, now unnerved of her uncle's fear, asked, "Who's he?!" "WHAT'RE YOU DOIN' HERE?!" an enraged, wild, and gruff voice roared all of a sudden as a large hand grabbed Sally's cloak. She was swung around to the side, making her lose her grip on the torch. It fell into a puddle, and light extinguished, leaving her in the near dark. "Sally, run!" Max screamed. Sally regained her senses, looked around, and shouted, "Who's there? Who are you?" Since it was dark with the only source of light coming from the hole in the roof as moonbeams, she could only see a large silhouette on all fours with blazing green eyes. A snarl was then heard before the Werehog responded, "Sonic, Sonic the Werehog." Instead of fear, anger flared up in Sally's heart, though a twinge of fright struck. Sally glared at him and yelled, "So you're the one who did this! Release my father, now!" "I am the master of this castle!" Sonic gave a growl vibration from his throat. "I don't take orders from you or anyone!" Sally gave a dark glare, but closed her eyes as she composed herself. If he was the one who controlled the castle and she kept on disrespecting him, she might end up in a cell with her father. So, a frown still on her face, Sally said in a calmer tone, "Of course forgive me. Just please let him out. Can't you see he's sick?" "Then he shouldn't have trespassed here!" Sonic gave another arrogant growl. "But he's just an old man!" Sally exclaimed. "He could die if he stayed here for another day! He means no harm." "Yeah?" Sonic spat, his gleaming eyes glaring right into hers. "He tried to take away a white rose from my tree, he's a thief. So now he'll pay for his crimes!" "This is all my fault, I'm the one who ask for a rose. Pleas! Sally begged, her eyes still watching the moving green orbs, indicating he was walking. "I'll do anything!" "There's nothing you can do," Sonic growled. "I'm not gonna lose a prisoner. So I suggest you do what your precious father says and get out." Sally was horrified and felt trapped. Was he really doomed to die in a tower? There had to be something she could do. But then again, Sonic won't be willing to lose a prisoner and he wants someone gone. That's when Sally had an idea, something she could only do to save her father's life. "Then take me instead," she declared. All three were caught off guard by what Sally said. "Sally, no!" Max begged. Sonic ignored the old squirrel, and asked with disbelief, making sure if he heard right, "What did you say?" Sally paused, she couldn't believe what she said. But if it was to save her father, so be it, "I said take me instead." "You?" Sonic asked softly, shock clear in his eyes. "You'd actually take his place?" "Sally, no! You don't know what you're doing!" Max begged once more. "If I did, will you release him?" Sally ask. Sonic's eyes then glared again as stood up on his legs, regaining his composure. He then growled, "Yes, but you must swear that you will stay here, forever." Sally and Max gasped in horror. "Sally don't!" Max yelled. "Forever?" Sally inquired. "But that's not fair!" If she stayed forever then she'd never see her father or her home again. She might as well toss her dream to see the world out the window while she's at it. "If you don't, then he'll die here in the dungeon!" Sonic snarled. Now Sally's heart was thumping with fear. "Yes," she thought. But then she realized that she didn't see him for real. If she was going to stay here for the rest of her life, then she might as well see what her captor looked like. "Come into the light," she said. Sonic's eyes widened, then closed after five seconds of thought. A deep sigh was heard over the dripping water. "Fine, but you won't like it," Sonic said. With some hesitation, a foot came out of the shadows and into the moonlight. It was red shoe with a silver stripe in the middle, three spiked were on the surface of the stripe in a line. The toe tip was slightly curved up, revealing smaller metal spikes, like cleats. The sock seemed torn up because the back was frilled up. Then the other foot came out as did the rest of Sonic. Sally gasped at the sight of him, fear now taking over. He looked like a Mobian hedgehog, but he looked like a mix of a hedgehog and a wolf! He was almost as tall as Sally. He was covered in thick, coarse fur that was dark blue, rivaling the night sky itself. The only exceptions were patches of gray fur on the tips of his quills, an upside down raindrop-shape, white tuft of fur on his broad chest, and white fur around his wrists like a bracelets. His arms were thick and muscular, he could probably snap a log in half without a sweat. His claws were in place where his fingernails should be. His face wasn't any better. His pointy muzzle, as well as his huge hands, were a pale blue, almost a stony gray. His mouth was full of fangs, two of which were popping out from his upper jaw, and his ears were curved. His eyes, the only things that were beautiful, were a blazing emerald green. Just to sum it up, Sonic was downright terrifying! Unable to look at his horrific appearance, Sally turned away from him and back to Max. "Sally, I won't let you do this!" Max yelled. With closed eyes, Sally turned back around to Sonic and stepped closer to him. With no hesitation, she swore, "You have my word." "Done!" Sonic growled, walking towards Max's cell. Immediately, Sally collapsed to her knees and covered her face with her hands in an attempt to hide her tearing eyes. With his index claw, Sonic unlocked the cell door and Max rushed past him and to Sally. "Sally listen to me," Max tried to persuade her. "I'm old, I've live my life and..." He couldn't finish. Sonic grabbed him by his jacket and started dragging him down the stairs. "Wait!" Sally cried out, wanting to at least say goodbye. "Sally!" Max yelled out. Sally tried to plead with the Werehog, but it was in vain. Outside, a Robian Fox was in the driver's seat of a carriage. Sonic came out, Max in his grip. "Please, spare my daughter! I'm begging you!" Max pleaded. Opening the door, Sonic snarled in sheer hate, "Ah, consider yourself relieved from her burden. She isn't your concern anymore." After shoving Max into the carriage and slamming the door, Sonic growled at the driver, "Take him to the village. But not too close to it." Despite Max's please, the Robian saluted to him and started the robotic horse to move. Up from the tower window, Sally watched the carriage crossing the stone bridge. Her eyes started to leak out tears of sadness for being all alone and anger at the Werehog who caused this. Back with Sonic, he was walking on all four back up the spiral staircase to lock up his prisoner's replacement. Antoine, who was watching Sally's deal from shadows, felt pity for the girl. So the coyote Robialn silently walked down the stairs. Halfway down, he accidentally blocked Sonic's way. Antoine whispered, "Um, Master?" "What?" Sonic snarled. "Um, since zee girl will be staying with us for, heh, quite some time, I was zinking, just maybe, that you can offer her a more comfortable room?" Sonic got into his face and growled. "Then again, maybe not, just a suggestion," Antoine whimpered, stepping aside from his master. Sonic scoffed and returned to crawling up the stairs. When he turned back to the cell, he saw Sally on her knees, trying not to cry. When she had heard Sonic coming in, she looked at him, glared at him and shouted in rage, "You didn't even let me say goodbye! I'll never see him again!" she turned back away from him, no longer wanting to look at him. Sonic glared was wiped off when he heard her sad tone voice. He never saw someone cry because of him, and this made him feel awful. He looked down in shame, rubbing the back of his neck, wondering what he could do to make her feel at least at home. Then he recalled Antoine's suggestion to give her a comfortable room. So, he put back his narrowed eyes and said, "I'll show you to your room." That caught Sally off guard. "My room?" she asked, completely confused. "But I thought..." "You want to stay in the tower or not?" Sonic growled. "No," she replied. Sonic scoffed at her pettiness, turned around and said, "Then follow me." Sally stood up and followed him. Down to the second floor, Sonic was leading Sally to her new room. She was distracted by intimidating statues and stone carvings of demonic gargoyles, dragons, and serpents. When she realized that she was starting to slow down, she increase her pace. Sonic looked over his shoulder, seeing a small tear falling from Sally's eye. When they passed a dark hallway, Sonic's heightened hearing heard Antoine's voice whispering, "Say something to her." He looked behind him and saw Antoine hiding in the shadows. Sonic didn't get it at first, but then he realized he might as well start a conversation, so he said with some hesitation and pathetically, "I, uh...hope you like it here." Sonic turned to Antoine, "Keep talking," Antoine said. Sonic sighed, and informed Sally, "This castle is your home now so you can go anywhere you want in here, except for the West Wing." Curious, Sally asked, "What's in the West..." "IT'S FORBIDDEN!" Sonic yelled. He walked closer to her, "That means you can't ever go in there! Is that clear?!" Sally gulped and nodded quickly. Sonic calmed down and turned back to his trail with Sally following him. When they arrived at a bedroom in a corner next to a window, Sonic used his claw to unlock it. He opened it and motioned Sally to enter it. "If you need anything, my servants will attend to you," he said when Sally came in her new room. Antoine, whispered softly, making sure only Sonic could hear, "Dinner, invite her to dinner." Taking his advice but in the wrong way, Sonic growled at the back of Sally's head, "You'll join me for dinner. THAT'S NOT A REQUEST!" With that, he slammed the door hard. Sally stood still for a moment. Suddenly, the fact that she was a prisoner for life for a Werehog and can never see her father and home again slammed into her. No longer wanting to hold it, and the dam behind her eyes collapsed. She cried into her arms. She sobbed for her loss of her family, friend and home, but most of all, her freedom. 

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