Kill the Werehog

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Sally road the Robian horse as fast as she could. She look at the magic mirror that Sonic gave her and ask once again, "Show me my father again." The mirror showed Sally were her father is, and she rush as fast as she could before they tried to take him away. The villager were getting ready to put Max in the cage were the carriage will take him away. Shadow went closer to Max and whispered him in secret. "My dear friend, I will tell everyone the truth, if you will give your one and only daughter hand in marriage." Max did want Shadow to tell everyone the truth, but didn't want his daughter to married some unkind Mobian like Shadow. "I will never let you marry my daughter." Said Max. Shadow got angry and let the men's who are grabbing Max in the arms throw him in the cage. Sally came just in time to stop the carriage from leaving. "Stop! I won't let you take my father away from me!" said Sally. Shadow was impress to see Sally again, and told her, "Your father is a crazy Mobian. He told us that you've been captured by a Werehog, surrounded by robots, who looks like Mobian and he needs help. So the carriage is taking him were all the crazy Mobian's go. The outland." "I know you are lying, Shadow. And I know you are only doing this, so you can have my hand in marriage. But I will never marry you, Shadow!" said Sally in an anger tone. "What proof do you have that there is a werehog?" said Shadow. Sally spoked to the mirror once again. "Show me the werehog." The mirror showed Sonic very upset, and everyone gasped in fear. "I know he looks scary, but deep down he's sweet and kind and he'd let me go to save my father." Said Sally. Shadow knew that if everyone believe that Max was telling the truth all along, they might kill him for trying to kill Max. So he started to have a sneaky plan. Shadow grabbed the magic mirror from Sally's hand with a false horrified expression. He showed everyone Sonic's fearsome visage to the Mobian. "This is sorcery! Look at it! Look at the monster and tell me it isn't dangerous!" Sally was shocked of what Shadow is saying about Sonic. Shadow turned to Sally. "The monster has her under its spell!" said Shadow. "He's not a monster, Shadow, he's my friend, and I love!" said Sally as she couldn't believe what she has just said. Shadow couldn't believe that someone else has one the heart of the girl he is in love, and started to make another excuse. "She's even crazier than the old man! She's in love with a werehog! We need to go after the werehog, before he brings evil magic to our lands! Let's kill the werehog!" said Shadow and all of the Mobian's agreed with Shadow. "Kill the werehog!'' the Mobian's shouted in agreement. Shadow sang,

The werehog will make off with your children
He'll come after them in the night
we're not safe 'till his head is mounted on my wall
I say we kill the beast!

The red roaster sang,

We're not safe until he's dead
He'll come stalking us at night
Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite
He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free

Shadow sang,

So it's time to take some action boys
it's time to fol-low-me

The yellow kangaroo sang,

Through the mist, through the woods
through the darkness and the shadows
it's a nightmare but it one exciting ride
Say a prayer, then we're there
at the drawbridge of a castle
and there's something truly terrible inside

Shadow sang,

It's a werehog, he's got fangs razor sharp ones
Massive paws, killer claws for the feed
Hear him roar, see him foam
But we're not coming home
'Till he's dead, good and dead kill the werehog

Sally then grabbed Shadow in the arm.

"No, I won't let you do this", said Sally.

Shadow looked at her with anger.

If you're not with us, you're against

He got his hand off of Sally's.

Get your hands off me

We can't have them running off to warn the creature

Shadow order the Mobians to put Sally in the cage with Max.

"Let us out", said Sally.

Shadow sang,

We'll rid the village of this werehog, who's with me

Get your torch, mount you horse

Through your courage to the stinking place

A brown fox sang,

We're counting on your stud to lead the way
Through a mist to the wood, where we see a haunted castle
Something's lurking that you don't see every day
It's a werehog, just as tall as a mountain,
We won't rest 'till he's good and deceased
Steady fourth, tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow
let's get on and here we go

Shadow got on his horse and sang,

We'll lay siege to the castle, and bring back his head

The golden retriever dog sang,

We don't like what we don't
understand and in fact it scares us
and this monster is mysterious at least
bring your guns, bring your knives
save children and your wives
so save our village and our lives
let's kill the werehog

Shadow sang

Rotor was looking outside the window, hoping Sally would come back. "I knew it, I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up. Maybe it would have been better if she'd never come at all." He said. Tails look outside and saw someone coming. "Momma look." Said Tails. Rosemary look what Tails was looking and thought it would be Sally coming back. "Could it be?" Bunnie looked out thinking it could Sally too. "Is it she?" Antoine looked outside, and notice it's not Sally but angry Mobians coming this way. "Scara bleu! Invaders!" Antoine yelled. All of the Robians were afraid. "Encroachers, and they 'ave the mirror." Said Bunnie. "Warn the master if it's a fight they want we'll be ready for them who's with me!" said Antione. All of the Robian said "Arrgh!" in agreement. Outside the castle, Shadow and the Mobians arrived in the castle. "Take whatever booty you can find, but remember the beast is mine!" said Shadow and started to sing.

Find a place, stand aside, we go marching into battle
Unafraid of all the things you just decreed

Raise the ram, sing this song
Here we come at fifty strong
If fifty Frenchmen can be wrong
let's kill the werehog

Rotor came inside Sonic's room, seeing him still upset of letting Sally go. "Pardon me, Master?" said Rotor. Sonic looked at him in a sad mood, and said to him, "Leave me in peace." Rotor couldn't believe what he just said. "But sir! The castle is under attack!" said Rotor. Sonic didn't respond back.

All the Mobians sang,

Kill the Werehog
Kill the Werehog

"This isn't working. Oh Antoine, we must do something." Said Bunnie. Antoine thought for a moment then his idea popped up. "Wait, I know." Said Antoine. He told the Robians his idea, and they agree.

All the Mobian sang,

Kill the Werehog
Kill the Werehog

"What shall we do Master?" Rotor ask. Sonic said to him, "It doesn't matter now.
Just let them come. Rotor went back to the Robians to help them protect the castle.

All the Mobian sang once again.

Kill the Werehog
Kill the Werehog
Kill the Werehog

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