Late for Supper

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Back at the castle, Sally had finally dried off her last teat. Her thoughts were interrupted when a knock from the door echoed the room. Sally turned to the door, asking after she cleared her throat, "Who is it?" "Rosemary, darling," a Robian said behind the door with a motherly voice. Sally stood up and walked towards the entrance of her room. Not bothering to turn on the light, she opened the door. She looked out into the hallway, but it was too dark to see. Sally turned on the light in her room. She never expected to see two actual fox Robians standing in front of her, smiling at her. Ignoring Sally's gasp of shock and stepping away from them, Rosemary and Tails walked in, pushing a tea cart into the room. "I just thought you'd like a cup of tea," Rosemary said. Sally had her hand covering her mouth in shock, then she pointed at the foxes, still back up, "You're..." "Rosemary Prower, miss," the Robian fox introduced herself, attempting to comfort the poor girl. "This is my son, Tails. We're pleased to make your acquaintance." Sally bumped into another Robian. She turned to see a green dragon. She was taller than Sally but would be shorter than Sonic. She had a pair of golden horns next to her ears, two small wings, and a tree-pointed, pink frill tail. She wore a blue gown with black shoulder-pads, a black belt, brown pants, blue gauntlets, and blue and gold boots. The dragon had puffed out smoke from her nostrils by Sally's bump. She looked at Sally and smiled, laughing in a small tune, "Careful." "Who are you?" Sally asked. "Dulcy the Dragon, perhaps you've heard of me," the dragon replied. "I'm sorry but I haven't. I never thought dragons even existed," Sally said, a tone of pity slightly found. Immediately, Dulcy's smirk was kicked out by an expression of surprise. She turned to look at the chipmunk hybrid. She looked at Rosemary, "You see?! They've forgotten about me!" "What does she mean forgotten?" Sally asked to Rosemary. Rosemary sighed and started to tell the story while Sally sit down on the bed, holding her head. "You see dear, we weren't always Robian's and the Master wasn't always a Werehog. Long ago we were once Mobian's and the Master was once a blue hedgehog prince, but he was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. Then one night a poor beggar came to offer a rose in exchange for shelter. But the Master refused, then the beggar turned into a beautiful dove enchanter, and as punishment of his cruelty, she turn him into a Werehog and everyone who lives in his castle into Robian's and the people in the village has forgotten us. "This is impossible!" Sally exclaimed, after hearing the whole story. Dulcy collapsed on the bed on her side, setting her hand on her head to hold it up, "Trust me, I know it is, sister. But here we are in this crazy world." Tails whispered to Rosemary, "I told you she was pretty. Isn't she pretty?" Rosemary smiled to her son lovingly and slightly nodded. She turned to the cart and poured a cup of hot Chamomile tea into a teacup, gently stirred a spoonful of honey, and squeezed a tiny wedge of lemon in it. Tails took the small cup of tea and slowly handed it to Sally, "Careful, it's very hot." She took it, thanking the little fox kit, and took a small sip. "What's your name?" Tails asked. Sally replied with her name. "Well hi, pleased to meet you, Sally." "You have to be so pretty you should be on a card," Tails said, a friendly smile etched on his white muzzle. Sally gave a gentle smile, "Aw thanks. I'm flattered." "Want to see a trick?" he asked, getting a nod in response. He showed his two tails and spin them. He spin the fast enough that it made a circle. He jumped into the air, and to Sally's surprise, floated in midair. Sally applauded for Tails. He stayed up in the air for about ten seconds before his tails accidentally got tangled with a bed curtain. Tails yelped as he was held by his namesakes. He fell down. "I'm ok," he said. Dulcy laughed under her breath. Then she clapped her hands, rubbing them together as she approached the closet, "Well, let's get you dressed up for supper!" Dulcy opened the closet door with a dramatic effect. Sally walked up towards Dulcy before the latter turned to the former, "Know what? I'll let you wear some of my old gowns," she said as she moved to the side, gesturing Sally to walk in. Sally started look for a dress until she pulled a beautiful, sapphire- blue dress. The shoulder sleeves were puffed with light blue tulle. It wasn't overly extravagant, but it was decent and very beautiful. Dulcy smiled and noted, "Ah, perfect choice. You'll be perfect in that for dinner." Sally remembered Sonic's demand to join him for supper. Sally smiled and told Dulcy, Rosemary, and Tails, "It's very sweet of you, but I'm not going." Dulcy's smile was gone as she stared at Sally for a few seconds. Then she chortled, "Ha, ha, ha! Oh, that's a good one!" She took a deep breath and said with a serious tone, "But seriously, you have to. You heard what the Master said." After Sally returned the dress back into the closet, she walked to the bed and sat down, "He may be your Master, but he's not mine. I'm sorry but this is all happening so fast." Rosemary sat down next to Sally, putting a hand on her shoulder in comfort. She said, "That was a very brave thing you did, my dear." "We all think so," Tails said from the floor. Sally started to cry as she recalled her most precious memories of her father and her best friend, "I'm going to miss my father so much. I've lost everything because of him! I lost my only family member, my only friend, my dream to see the world, my home, everything!" Rosemary pulled Sally into a hug, patting her back. "Cheer up, child. I understand things may seem bleak right now, but then again, life is like that too. It'll turn out right in the end. You'll see. We'll be here to help you through that forest of darkness and back into the sun. Who knows? You may find home here too." Tails stood up and handed Sally a quilted handkerchief. She took it and whipped her eyes. When she handed it back to him, Tails only put his hands up and said, "You can keep it. I've made plenty of others before you came here." Sally smiled and set the handkerchief on the bedside table. Rosemary stood up and excused herself, bowing to Sally, "Excuse me, but I have to go help the chef make dinner. Come along, Tails." Tails followed his mother out of the room. When the two went opened the door, the folks found Rotor about to knock. "Uh...,"Rotor muttered, clearly embarrassed. He composed himself, clearing his throat, and bowed, "Dinner's ready." Meanwhile, Sonic was stalking in ovals in front of the large fireplace on all fours. Antoine was standing by when Rosemary came in, explaining that Sally was preparing to come down. Sonic growled as he paced himself. "What the heck's taking her so long? I thought I told her to come down here," Sonic growled. He snarled at the two Robians, "Why isn't she here yet?!" "Sir, please try to be patient," Rosemary said gently. "Sally just lost her only member of her family and her freedom all in one day. Maybe you should be more kind to her. Maybe you should be more kind to her." "I agree with Rosemary, Master," Antoine said. "Have you perhaps considered zee girl to be... zee one?" Sonic got into Antoine's face and snarled, "Of course, I did! I'm not that much of an idiot." "Grand!" Antoine smiled, unfazed by the snarl. He said in high hopes, daydreaming, "You fall in love with her, she falls in love with you, and poof! We'll be Mobian's again by midnight!" Rosemary rolled her eyes, scolding Antoine, "Antoine, you of all people should know that it never works. It's not that easy. Love needs to take time." "But we don't have time!" Antoine exclaimed. "The rose has already begun to wilt and we have less zan two months to break zee spell!" Sonic, hearing their conversation, stopped pacing. He sighed, putting his large hand over his eyes, "It's no use. She's just so... beautiful." When he thought about her appearance, he couldn't help but smile. However, the smile vanished when he remembered what he looked like, looking at his hand, "But I'm... well, just look at me." Antoine and Rosemary sighed. The former noted quietly to the latter, "He has a point." Rosemary swatted at Antoine with a glare. He flinched as he shielded himself. The fox Robian wiped her glare away and spoke gently to Sonic, "Master, I spoke with Sally. She seems like the kind of girl that doesn't care about appearance. You must help her see past all that fur fangs." But I don't know how," Sonic sighed. Rosemary smiled, "Well, you can start by trying to make yourself look more presentable. Straighten up." Sonic sat like a puppy promptly. Rosemary gave a small glare, "I said straighten! On your feet!" Sonic corrected his stance. Despite Sonic towering over her, Rosemary gave a smile, "Perfect! Try to act like a gentleman." Antoine joined in, "Impress her with your rapier wit!" "But be gentle," Rosemary commented. Antoine told Sonic, "When she comes in, give her a dashing smile! Show me your teeth!" Sonic did, but it was rather frightening and awkward with the sharp fangs baring. "But don't frighten the girl," Rosemary said. Sonic nodded, agreeing with her. "Show her with compliments!" Antoine said. "But be sincere," Rosemary noted. Very pressured with all these things, Sonic couldn't help but shut his eyes and cover his ears. "And above all," Antoine raised his voice. He and Rosemary shouted, "You must control your temper!" As if on cue, the doorknob shifted as if someone was coming in. "There she is..." Antoine said with a smile. Rosemary put her fist on her lips, as if she was waiting for a big explosion from Sonic. Sonic uncovered his ears and stood up straight. The door opened to reveal... "Oh, good evening," Rotor poked his head through the gap with a nervous smile. Sonic frowned and growled in a calm tone, on the verge of losing his patience, "Well, where is she?" A three-second silence ensured. Rotor said, fear emanating from his tone, "Who?" Sonic gave a look. Then Rotor laughed nervously, "Oh, the girl! Uh, right, of course! Um, well actually, she's in the process of, um well, circumstances, being what they are. But uh, well I guess that you could say..." With all the staring and pressure directed at him, Rotor then squeaked, "...She's not coming." Anger flew up inside Sonic. Through clenched and bared fangs, he snarled, "What...did you say?" Rotor, being the coward he is, cleared his throat and whimpered, "She's not coming!" "WHAT?!" The doors blew open with so much force. Sonic stormed out the room with his servants following behind trying to calm him down. He ran on all fours towards the stairs, jumping eight steps each before easily making his way down the hall towards Sally's room. He slid to a stop right at her doors and banged hard making them and partially the whole floor around them shake, "I TOLD YOU TO COME OUT FOR DINNER!" he roared in anger. "I'm not hungry!" Sally Hollard from inside angrily herself. "YOU BETTER COME OUT, OR...I'LL BREAK DOWN THE DOOR!" "Wait! Wait! Don't do zat! You need to be careful with her!" Antoine said, quickly pointed out. Sonic growled at him clenching his hands tightly to his side, "There is nothing that can't help this!" he complained. "But master, you are not being reasonable with her!" Antoine said. "He is must be understanding of her...!" Rotor followed holding his hand to his chest gasping slightly. The werehog growled a little quieter, but still with angrily, "But she is being so difficult!" "Master you need to be gentle with her." Rosemary said calmly moving her hands up, then down slowly motioning him to do the same. Sonic huffed and growl and a sign in one before he spoke, "Will you go to dinner with me...?" he asked slightly loud. "No!" Sonic pointed at the door looking at the three. Antoine faced palmed with the two shook their heads, "No, no...gently and mannerly. " Rotor ushered. Sonic was now standing up and bowing low with one arm around his waist and the other out like a gentleman, "It would be an honor...if you join me for dinner..." he forced himself with another struggling smile. Sonic looked at the three who were waving their hands at him saying 'keep going', "...Please?" "I said no!" Sally responded again. Sonic finally had enough, "You can't be in there forever!" he roared much loudly. "Just watch me!" Sally yelled. "Fine! Then go ahead and STAAARVE!" Sally turned to the Robians, "If she doesn't eat with me...then she doesn't all!" he ran off once more leaving them there alone. Rosemary sighed sadly shaking his head, "I knew this will be harder than we thought." He groaned. Crossing his arms, Rotor shock his head, "Well...then there's nothing we can do, but wait." he suggested, then turned to Antoine, "Antoine! You are to stay here and not let her out of the room!" Antoine stood tall saluting to him, "Oui, mon captain! I shall not let her out!" he spoke firmly before standing over to the door and began to pace back and forth in front of them. " better go and get things cleaned up..." Rotor groaned again as he and Rosemary started walking away going back to the dining room. Back with Sonic, he barged through the door to his room. Sonic tossed a fallen chair out of his way as he stalked to a small table at the entrance to his balcony. On it was a glowing, red rose floating inside a glass covering and a beautiful mirror. Sonic snarled to himself. "What does she expect me to do? Beg?" When he arrived at the table, he picked up the mirror and snarled, "Show me the girl." The mirror glowed as it started to fill with light. It showed Dulcy attempted to comfort Sally. It appeared that the latter was close to crying. "The master is not really not so bad when you get to know him. Why don't you give him a chance?" said Dulcy. "I don't want to get to know him. I don't want anything to do with him!" said Sally with her arm cross and looking away. The picture slowly stopped having it come back to its mirrored look. Sonic stared at the mirror shocked his head and sadden at her words which echoed through his mind. "It's hopeless....hopeless. 

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