Something There

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It was about three days after the West Wings fiasco. Sonic and Sally had gotten to be close friends. Sonic allowed Sally to eat whenever she wanted and he even asked from time to time if he could have lunch with her. After a gentle snow storm from the other night, Sally went out to have a walk on the castle grounds. Accompanying her was Muttski, happy to see snow for the first time in months. He brought his basket of doggy toys to Sally. The mere sight of Muttski so prepared to play with her, his tail wagging, made her giggle. The dog held out his little basket of toys. Sally grabbed the ball and Muttski set the basket down. He gave a doggy smile. Sally waved the ball at a medium pace. Muttski bowed playfully, his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out from his mouth. He barked, begging for Sally to throw the ball already. She threw the ball and Muttski barked gleefully. The tennis ball disappeared into a snow pile. However, that didn't stop the Robian dog to swan dive after it, disappearing as well. After five seconds of busting in the snow mound, Muttski popped his head out of the snow, a pile gathered on his head. The ball was in his smiling mouth. He barked happily. He stumbled out of the snow and rushed up to Sally. She knelt down and laughed when Muttski leaped into her arms. He licked her face to express his love, dropping the ball in her lap. Sally's heart swelled with joy. From a balcony, Sonic, Antoine, and Rotor were watching Sally playing with Muttski. Sonic gripped his injured arm gently and looked at the bandages that hid his scar, the memory of Sally tending his wound instead of hers still playing over his head. The warm feel rose in his chest again. His eyes widened with realization, "I've never felt this way about anyone. I wanna do something for her. But what?" he ask to the two Robians. Rotor replied to him saying, "Well, there's the usual things: flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep..." "No, no," Antoine interrupted. "It haz to be something very special. Something zat sparks her interest. Antoine eyes widened when he remembered something Sally was excited to see before she went to the West Wing. "Wait a minute." Back inside the castle, Sonic had asked Sally to follow him for a moment. She did and they went to a double door entrance to a room that Sally had most likely had never seen. "Sally, there's something I want to show you." Sonic smiled and opened the door. However, an idea popped into his head and closed the door quickly. "But first, you have to close your eyes," Sonic said. Sally raised an eyebrow with a suspicious smirk plastered on her face. "It's a surprise." Sonic assured her. Sally closed her eyes. Sonic wave his hand in front of her face, making sure she wasn't peeking. The Werehog held an excited expression and opened the doors, which allowed a tiny bit of light into the dark room. He turned to Sally and took her hands into his. Sonic walked backwards into the room, leading Sally slowly. As they walked into the chamber, Sally asked the Werehog, "Can I open my eyes now?" "Not yet," he replied. Suddenly, they stopped in the middle of the chamber. "Wait here," Sonic said before he released Sally's hands. Then she suddenly heard the sounds of large curtains being pulled and a bright light shining onto her closed eyes. So she asked, "Now can I open them?" Sonic smiled brighter and said "" Her eyes opened slowly, then wideness big followed by an enormous gasp from her mouth. For she was standing in the middle of the biggest library she had ever seen! The library was enormous and it was filled with different books. Sally began to move a little taking all of it in, "I've never seen so many books in one place." " like it?" Sonic Asked. "I love it!" she answered quickly. "Then it's yours!" Sally stopped in front of him taking his hands into hers staring up at him, "Thank you so much." She smiled gratefully. At the entrance of the library, the Robians were watching them. They smiled in happiness and hope. "Well, would you look at that?" Rosemary whispered. "Ha, ha! I knew it would work!" Antoine said. "What work? I didn't see anything." said Tails. "Isn't this exciting?!" Bunnie asked. "Yes, it's very encouraging." Rotor chuckled. As they walked away Tails still kept on asking what was going on. "What're they talking about, mama? What's working?" "I'll tell you when you're old enough." Said Rosemary with a smile. Later, Sonic and Sally were sitting at a long table for lunch. The Robian servants served tomato soup. Sally sat at the end of the end of the table sipping her soup quietly. When she looked at Sonic, she gasped seeing him eating like an animal. When he saw that Sally was looking at him, he felt embarrassed, so he whipped he face with a napkin, and tried to eat with a spoon. Tails started to laugh seeing how Sonic try to eat with a spoon in a funny. Rosemary gave him the look on the eye, telling him to be respectful. Sally then notice that Sonic hasn't had a guest in a long time. So she smiled and put her spoon down and carefully picked up the bowl from the bottom. Sonic smiled back and copied her, picking up his bowl with two hands. They did a silent toast and sipped their soup from their bowl. After lunch, Sonic and Sally went out for a walk on the snow. Sally was feeding the birds with bird seed. Sonic was walking behind her seeing how she feeds the birds. Sally then notice that Sonic wants to try feeding the birds so she gave some seed birds into Sonic hands, which made him happy. As Sonic knelt down to the birds, Sally started to think.

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