The West Wing

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After a quick tour around the castle, Antoine and Rotor continued to talk explaining much about the castle and its history. Well, mostly Rotor who did the talking. Antoine occasionally showed Sally a few things, but instead, just chatted with her about the fun stuff they do sometimes around the rooms and sometimes outside when it snows a lot. After the two Robians and Sally had successfully finished the tour downstairs, Sally noticed the stairs that lead up to her room, but instead, noticed the way to the West Wing. The place that Sonic had order her not to go into. She thought of what he was hiding up there having her thoughts pull her body to the stairs. The two Robians noticed quickly, and rushed over to her. Rotor and Antoine jumped right in front of her holding their arms out and smiling nervously, "What's up there?" Sally asked while staring at the entrance to the darkened hallway. Antoine started to stutter, "Uh, it's nothing!" he said rather quickly. "Of course! Just nothing!" Rotor followed, "Just the West Wing is all!" A mischievous smile crept on her face, "Ah so that's the West Wing...?" Antoine glared at his companion. "Nice going..." he groaned. Rotor shrugged at him, then turned to Sally seeing her eyes get more excitedly, "Uh...miss! I advise you not to go up there because it is rather...filthy!" Sally smiled at them playfully, "I don't mind messes actually. I am a very clean person, but my father had messes of machine parts all over. So I think I'm alright." She told them as she passed them a few steps. "Wait! It is filthy, but it's...uh...just a secret! The master is just resting up there is all?" Antoine exclaimed. The chipmunk shrugged and passed them again, "I still like to talk to him, so his resting can wait." She said firmly passing them again. Rotor jumped in front of her again holding his robotic hands out to stop her, "Hey! Wouldn't you like to the-uh-the garden?!" he protested hurriedly. "Maybe later." Antoine again jumped in front of her, "Actually, there's more! The living room, the picture room, the library...! Sally's eyes widened happily. "You have a library?" she gasped. Seeing the opportunity, Rotor quickly joined his friend besides him, "Why, of course! We have so much books!" he exaggerated. "Yes! Millions of books! Millions and millions of books!" the two Robians lead her back down to the end of the stairs, "We even have books that were not even shown outside the castle! It's a really amazing room!" "I would very much like to see the library, if you please?" Sally asked smiling curiously. Rotor nodded quickly, "We'll be happy to take you there, my lady!" he said wrapping his arm around Antoine's shoulders while he did the same. Rotor nodded quickly, "Just follow us and we can explain about how we got much books!" the coyote followed. Sally watched the two Robians started to walk away while talking about the books. She stopped before stepping off the last step noticing a good time to ditch them and snoop. She slowly and quietly made her way up the steps again coming to the left side of the stairway. Looking down the hallway, she noticed how it looked much darker at the end along with much more scarier statues of gargoyles placed around the walls. Keeping up her curiosity and bravery, she began her search down the hall. Sally saw so much as she continued on seeing the statues looking like they were broken on some, claw marks were seen on the walls, and the floors looking like it was the place where Sonic would go. Sally passed on a few more statues before seeing a door ahead of her. Quickly, she walked up to it and carefully turned the knob opening it. Inside, she could see that it looked much worse than the outside. Sally slowly inched her way through the door, and walked with dainty steps so she wouldn't make any noise. She could see that it was a room like hers, but it was much disorganized and very ruined. The furniture was crumbled and scratched up along with the drapes over the bed and the windows. The walls had more claw marks on them even seeing parts of the wall ripping off. She was so tuned in on how messed up the room was that she turned around slowly to view the rest of the room, but suddenly bumped into a small wooden table, "Oh...!" she gasped quickly turning around to grab it before it could fall to the floor. Picking it up and setting it nicely where it was, Sally sighed to herself and turned again only to stop at a portrait. It was a picture that was scratched up badly seeing the beautifully painted canvas fabric dangling off the picture. Sally stared at the picture carefully to see it was a blue hedgehog in the picture. All she could see were his sharp green eyes seemingly to stare right at her. She reached up grabbing a corner of a ripped part of the picture, then slowly held it up wanting to see what it really was before it was ruined. Suddenly, a flash of red brought the young chipmunk out of her thoughts making her jump and swerve her body to see what it was. Over to the window of the balcony, was a lonely table with a large glass caging what looked to be a beautiful red rose. Sally slowly walked over to it now seeing the rose looking like it's witted a little seeing one petal falling from it lightly trailing down to the flat surface of the table along with a few other petals. She was truly amazed of how beautiful it was, it glowed like no other. She wanted to get close. She wanted to just feel it. She grabbed the glass container and carefully lifted it up off the table making sure not to bump the rose, then she set it down next to her. She then slowly began to reach for the rose feeling the warm light surrounds her fingers, until a sharp horrifying gasp was heard from her mouth to see the werehog, right there in front of her. Sonic turned to see Sally just inches from touching his precious rose. It angered him greatly. He rushed over grabbing the case and slamming it back onto the table caging the rose once more. Sonic glared at Sally viciously. "What're you doing here?" Sally replied weakly, fear and adrenaline thumping her heart, "I...I'm sorry." Ignoring her apology, Sonic snarled louder, walking closer to her, "I thought I told you to never come here! You have no right to be here! No right!" "I didn't mean any harm!" She tried to explain, walking behind a broken desk. "Don't you realize what you could have done?!" Sonic roared in great fury. He swung his claws at the desk, tossing it off his way and smashing it. Sally yelped and backed away further from the enraged werehog, "I'm sorry!" "GEEET OOOUT!" Sally ran right out the room and down the hall as fast as she could hearing his loud roar echo through the hallway of the West Wing. Sonic finally stopped his rampaging after hearing her run out. He panted heavily through his breath feeling his anger through him, but slowly, he started to feel horrible. Sally ran down the stairs quickly grabbing her cape that was hanging over a hook on the wall. Rotor and Antoine were there after they finally found out that she went off by herself and knew she went to the West Wing. But what they didn't see coming was her running towards the doors of the castle. "What-Where are you going?!" Antoine asked holding out his hand to her to reach. "Promise, or no promise, I can't stay here any longer!" Sally cried to them. "No, no please don't leave!" Rotor shouted. Sally swings the doors open quickly then rushes out slamming it closed leaving the two Robians there to stand surprised ignoring their shouts. In no time, she ran through the open gates entering the dark, cold forest of doom. The snow was beginning pick up fast with the ground almost up to a knee's length. Sally slowly turned her head to the castle seeing it slowly getting smaller hoping to not see the werehog running at her. She ran through the trees and bushes. She wanted to be away as far as she could. Sally's ears began to tremble from hearing a loud howl echoing through the winds. Her worst fears began to show as she noticed a group of wolves jumping through the bushes where they were hiding and started to chase her down. Sally jumped on many logs and tried to hit one of the wolves with a pulled branch. But the wolves continued hunting her. The snow-infused wind stung her face. It wasn't until too late did she realize she had started running on a frozen lake. Thankfully, she had only slightly fell into the frozen water. The water only reached up to her knees before reflexes made her climb onto a piece of ice and back onto land. Sally turned to see the wolves drowning in the water. She smirked and laughed. However, when she turned around, she saw even more wolves. The wolves crept closer and one leaped at her. However, Sally had grabbed hold of a long, fallen branch and swung the branch with all her might at the wolves. It smacked on the wolf's nose, causing it to whimper and fall back. Sally stood up with a semi-stoic face, holding the branch as if daring the wolves to come closer. They only growled angrily as they cried around her. One snapped at her leg but missed. Sally swung at another wolf. However, it grabbed the branch with its mouth and snapped it in half. Sally gasped in horror as the wolf behind her grabbed hold of her cloak and pulled her down to the snow. When she attempted to get up, the wolf pinned her to the ground. As it raised its claws up for the killing slash, Sally screamed and closed her eyes, as if she was accepting her fate. The wolf was suddenly punched back by a hard swipe of a large fist. The wolf was then picked up by the fur of its back and hoisted up into the air. It then saw a large werehog in front of it as it roared out in rage baring its larger fangs and sharp teeth. Sally looked to see it was Sonic who came to her rescue. Sonic threw the wolf away whimpering in pain, then got down on all fours having her be underneath him protectively. He glared viscously at the wolves around them like he was threatening them from coming near her. Sally stayed where she was seeing a few of the wolves' inch closer to Sonic snarling at him. He jumped up surprisingly the pack and grabbed a few of them throwing them away as some began to attack. Sonic fended off the wolves by biting them around and throwing them again and again. He wrestled one of them to the ground holding up his claws to kill it until one jumped up onto his back and bit on the side of his shoulder having him roar out in pain. Sally watched helplessly and fearfully as each wolf jumped onto him and then were flung off in seconds. Sonic continued to wrestle each wolf noticing that some were beginning to run away instead of attacking. He picked one more wolf up and chucked it at a nearby tree slamming it hard into the hard surface and falling to the snow passed out. The wolves howled in pain, and fear as they ran off back into the trees with their tails between their legs. Sonic huffed and puffed heavily feeling a bit of pain from the bites and scratches he received, but his main concern was Sally instead. He turned to her to see her standing unharmed. That, alone, was enough for him to fall to the ground. Sally was about to run away, but her mind was telling her to stop. She turned to him slowly seeing his body still in the snow groaning in his unconsciousness. Sally walked up to him. She knelt down, took off her cloak, and draped it over Sonic after she tied it around his neck. She took his arm around her neck and carried him back to the castle. 

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