Be Our Guest

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It was almost the day after the argument. Antoine had accidentally gone into sleep mode. It lasted until Bunnie, the rabbit Robian, came running towards the coyote, "Antoine! Oh, Antoine!" The rabbit saw the Antoine asleep, so she shook Antoine awake a few times. Antoine woke up with a surprised expression. "What? What is it, Bunnie?" he asked in concern. "Look at mah hands!" Bunnie screamed, putting up her hands. Antoine gasped in shock. Instead of fingers, they were sharp claws. Bunnie notice in slight fear and cried, "You don't love me anymore! Oh, this horrible curse!" Bunnie was frightened of becoming a true robot. Antoine only took her hands into his own, then taking her into his arms. "Oh, cheri," Antoine comforted her. "You cut me to zee wires. Do you truly zink dat a little zing like dat would change my feeling for you? If anything, it only makes me love every flaw of you have." Bunnie smiled, "Oh, no." "Oh, oui," Antoine counted with a flirtatious smile of his own. Bunnie's smile was gone when she remembered a certain memory. "Oh no, you don't!" she pulled away from Antoine. "I've been tricked by you before, you sneaky coyote!" With that, Bunnie ran off with a smirk on her face. Antoine smiled and chased her. Sally was starting to feel famished. She told Dulcy saying, "Actually, Dulcy, I am feeling kind of hungry now." Dulcy smiled and said, "I'll ring for Rosemary to take you down with the Master." Still having a grudge against Sonic, Sally politely said, walking to the door, "Don't worry, its ok. I'll go myself." Dulcy gasped in fear, "B-But what about the Master? He won't be happy about this!" Sally stopped as she opened the door. She turned and smirked, "I know." Then she left the room. Dulcy nibbled on her fingernails nervously, "Oh, dear. Oh, dear." Meanwhile, down at the kitchen, Rotor and Rosemary were cleaning up. The chef, who was a brown badger, growled with a thick German accent in sorrow, "I vork and I slave all day long, and vor vhat?! A culinary masterpiece gone to vaste!" Rosemary sighed and said to the badger, "Oh, stop you're grousing. It's been a long night enough for all of us." She turned to Rotor, "Personally, I like Sally. I like her spike." Rotor gave a huff in response. "Well, if you ask me," he said in disdain, "I think she was just plain stubborn! After all, he did say 'please.'" Rosemary had to agree, but then she noticed something, "You know, I think that might be the very first time I've ever heard him use that word." After he had set the bowl in the cupboard, Rotor paused. It was true. Sonic never said "Please" to the other Robian servants. "I do believe you're right!" Rotor said. Rosemary smiled as she handed him as washed plate, "You see? She already starting to make a good influence on Sonic." Rotor smiled as he dried the plate. The entrance to the kitchen opened, revealing Sally. Rosemary and Rotor saw her come in. The former said out loud, walking towards Sally, "Oh, there you are, Sally! Glad to see you out and about." Sally smiled back and said her thanks. Rotor walked up and bowed, taking his hand out for a handshake, "I'm Rotor, head of the household." Sally took his hand and shook it. "Rotor! Zee girl! She's gone!" Antoine's voice yelled out. Antoine barged in the kitchen, panic apparent in his optics. Not noticing Sally in front of him, Antoine rushed up to Rotor, "Zee girl is gone! I swear, my eyes never left the..." Finally, Antoine noticed Sally next to him. He stared at her for a moment. Then he swiftly composed himself into standing straight, assuming a mannered position, and smiled. He bowed and said, "Enchante, mademoiselle." Rotor groaned and rolled his eyes, "And that's Antoine." The walrus Robian cleared his throat and gave a smile, "Well, miss, is there anything we can do here to make you feel more comfortable? Anything at all?" Sally gave a smile and replied, "Well, I am a little hungry." "Except for that!" Rotor exclaimed in panic, his smile gone. Rosemary swatted at Rotor's shoulder with a small towel, "Rotor!" "What?" he exclaimed. "You heard what the Master said!" "Oh, pish-posh!" Rosemary scolded. "I'm not going to let this poor child go hungry!" Rotor groaned, "Ugh, fine! Crust of bread, glass of water, some crackers, a bowl of chicken broth, then straight to..." "Rotor!" Antoine said in disappointment. "I'm surprise at you! She's not a prisoner!" He smiled at Sally, "She's out guest. And we must make her feel welcome here!" Antoine held out his arm to Sally, which she took. "Right this way, mademoiselle." As Antoine led Sally to the dining room, Rotor said in desperation, "Oh, ok. But please keep it down. If the Master finds out, it'll be our necks!" "Of course, of course," Antoine said. Then, he smirked mischievously, "But what is dinner without a" Before Antoine shut the door on Rotor, the latter screamed out, "Music?!" When the two arrived at the dining room, there was a long mahogany dining table with a red tablecloth stretched over it. Antoine stood on it and turned to Sally with a smile, a spotlight suddenly glaring down at him. "Ma chere, mademoiselle," he said, spinning a cane into his hand and placing a top hat on his head. "It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you here tonight! And now, we invite you to relax, let's pull up a char..." Tails pushed an oak, armed chair with red and white cushions. Sally thanked him and sat down, a smile etched on her face as she knew that she was up for a dinner and a show. As the cook Robians were lined up behind the kitchen door, Antoine boasted happily, " zee dining room proudly presents...your dinner." Then, Antoine took a "man-about-town" pose,

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