The Last Petal

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Sally turned, held on to Sonic's arm, and pulled him. Sonic breathed heavily, for a bullet had gone into his lung. He didn't have enough strength to keep standing up in his legs. So, Sally kept grabbing Sonic, and slowly easing him to the balcony ground. She laid him down on his back. Sonic's breathing was disturbing her so much. Sally gently stroked Sonic's cheek, feeling his soft and soaked fur. Sonic slowly opened his eyes and gasping slightly. Sally smiled a little. Sonic smiled at her and said heavily, "You... You came back!" Sally responded, "Of course I came back. I couldn't just let them..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She knew she came too late to save him. Sally hugs Sonic tightly. "Oh, this is all my fault. If I got here sooner." She rose back up. "Maybe... its better... its better this way." Said Sonic as he breather heavily. Shock of what Sonic just said, Sally asserted gently, "No, don't talk like that. You'll be all right. We're together now, everything is fine now, you'll see." Sonic placed Sally's cheek in his palm, and Sally held onto his hands. Sonic smiled in trying to comfort her. "At least... I got to see you... one last time," he said, as he struggle to stay awake. Sally smiled before it faded when a tear fell from her eyes. She closed her eyes and kept holding onto Sonic's hand. Sally started to feel Sonic's hand slipping from her face. She looked at him, and notice that Sonic is dying. Sonic's green eyes rolled into his head, gave a heavy sigh, and his head and head fell. Sonic is dead, because of the bullet that Shadow shoot it on Sonic's back. Sally put her hand in her mouth, as she was terrified, and started to cry in pain seeing him dead. Sally cried so hard, that she not realize that the last petal of the rose has fallen. "No. No! Please. Please! Please, don't leave me!" she said, as she hold on his chest fur. Sally started to cry even more in pain, and started to feel her heart broken. As the Robians saw all the angry Mobian Mobs running away, they realize, they have won. Antoine laughed with joy, as he run inside the entrance and embrace Bunnie in his arms. "We did it! We did it, Bunnie!" Antoine's smile faded, when he saw Bunnies acting differently. She bend down a little, and when she stood up straight, Antoine notice something different about her. "Bunnie? Bunnie?! Oh, no! Oh, my darling." Said Antoine, as he was heartbroken, and realizing that Bunnie has lost her free will. Bunnie started to act like a real robot, and her eyes started to glow in red. Then the rest of the Robians started to feel like something strange in their body, they were losing their free will, and their eyes started to glow in red. Muttski was upset to see that Bunnie has lost her free will, then he started to lose his free will and his eyes started to glow red as well. Dulcy and Pete said their last goodbye as they started to lose their free will, and their eyes started to glow in red. "Goodbye, my sweet darling. I love you so much." Pete said, as he started to bend down. And when he got up, he started to act like a robot. "I love you too, Pete" Said Dulcy as she started to act like a robot, after bending down and standing up straight, and her eyes started to glow red. "Tails! Tails! Has anyone seen Tails?" Said Rosemary, as she shouted, while looking for her son. As she kept looking for Tails, she started to feel something strange in her body, and realized she is losing her free will.  She bent down, then stood up straight, and her eyes started to glow. Rosemary was no longer herself, she is now acting like a real robot. As Tails was flying in the air to find his mother, he saw that his mother has lost her free will. Tails then started to fall down, because he is losing his free will. "Mamma!" Tails shouted as he lost his free will, and his eyes started to turn red, after bending down and standing straight. A Robian servant grabbed Tails in time, and laid him beside Rosemary, before he loses his free will, and his eyes started to glow. Antoine and Rotor were very upset seeing all their friends in the castle losing their free wills. Then they started to feel something strange inside of them. That's when they realize, that they are losing their free wills. "Antoine... I... can't... speak..." said Rotor, as he was glitching, and trying to say goodbye to Antoine. "It'z all right, Rotor." Said Antoine, not wanting Rotor to struggle to say goodbye. " friend... it's...been... an honor... to serve..." said Rotor, as he said his last words, before he lost his free will. Rotor bent down, then got up straight like a real robot, and his eyes started to glow red. "Zee honor, was mine." Said Antoine as he bent forward and shut down. He stood back up with no free will and his eyes started to glow red. All of the Robians has lost their free will, and before they lost their free will, they realize that the last petal has fallen, and thought that it is too late to break the spell and they will never become Mobians again. When Max went inside the castle to find Sally, he saw that all the Robians are acting like real Robians, and was surprise. Because the last time he saw them they were acting like normal Mobians. When Max enter to the West Wind, he found Sally, holding Sonic tightly. That's when he realized the Sonic is dead. Max was happy to see Sally reunited with her true love, but was upset, seeing that she had lost her true love, or so he thought. Max came close to try and comfort Sally, but there's nothing that will make her feel better. Max wanted to hug Sally, but realize that she just wants to keep holding on to Sonic. So instead, he place his right hand on Sally shoulder to let her know that he know how it feels. As Sally was crying and holding on to Sonic, she started to realize that the reason why Sonic let her go to save her father is because he loves her. Then she realized that she loves him too, but was upset that she couldn't tell how she feels about him. Sally laid her head down on Sonic's chest fur, and whispered softly to him, "I love you." Sally did not realize that Roxanne has already entered in the West Wind, and heard her saying those three words to Sonic.

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