The Werehog Vs. The Hunter

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Shadow came to the last door down the hall. He walked in slowly to inspect the room, but quickly took aim after seeing the werehog he was looking for inside. Sonic never left his place, still keeping his head down unable to even fight the hunter. Shadow pointed his gun as a warning shot, but he only looked up for a second to see who it was. He smirked a little, seeing how upset Sonic was. "So, you're the werehog that Sally told me about. No wonder she left." Said Shadow. Sonic started to feel like Sally will not come back. "Come on werehog get up, fight like a hedgehog. If you are a hedgehog?" Said Shadow, making fun of Sonic. When Shadow saw that Sonic won't fight, he thought that it was going to be too easy for him to kill Sonic. Shadow started to punch Sonic at the back. Sonic let out a painful roar thrashing around as he felt the pain on his back. Shadow took his opportunity to charge at him and punch him again into his stomach. The force threw him out of his room and onto the balcony. The rain began to pour like crazy, and Shadow jumped put and rush over to Sonic. Sonic was still trying to get up, still feeling the pain of the punch in his back. Before he could, Shadow kicked him hard enough to send him tumbling over the railing down the roof. Sonic rolled around till he came to the bottom. He then landed right on a small bridge connected to one of the pillars below. Shadow leaped off to follow him. He trailed down till he dropped to the bridge where Sonic was laying down. He looked up to see Shadow walking up to him with a smirk on his face, "Get up!" he said, as he sent another kick to him. Sonic rolled over almost over the edge, but managed to stay on. Shadow started to growl at him, demanding him to stand. Seeing that he won't comply, his other option was to gloat, "What's the matter, werehog? Too kind and gentle to fight back?!" he laughed maniacally. Sonic only huffed at those words. He closed his eyes and leaned his head down, waiting for Shadow to seal his fate and get it over with. Shadow rolled his eyes. He was hoping for a challenge, but it started to look too easy for him to win. He looked to his right and walked to a broken gargoyle head. He pulled it off and held it by its head like a club. Meanwhile, as Sally and Max arrived to the castle, Sally saw Shadow, who is slowly approaching Sonic with a smirk on his face, and was terrified that he is going to kill Sonic. "No!" her voice cried out. Sonic lifted his head up when he heard that sweat voice that he thought he never hear again. He looked down and saw that it was Sally and Max on the back of the robotic horse at the front of the castle in the middle of the fleeing mob. "Sally?" he whispered, a smile faint on his lips. "Shadow, no!" Sally yelled in horror, when she saw Shadow trying to kill Sonic. Shadow raised the club high. Swiftly, be brought it down. However, it was caught by Sonic's hand, which started to emit a blue aura. Sonic stood up with bared teeth and narrowed eyes, still holding onto the club and set his other hand onto it. Geoffrey stared in shock and fear as the sight of Sonic's snarling appearance and his sudden will to live and fight. After Max and Sally climbed off the robotic horse, they rushed to the still open doors. When the Robians saw Sally inside with her father, they gasped in shock and happiness seeing Sally has return to save Sonic's life. Sally then realized that it would be too dangerous for her father to go to the roof top with her. So, she decided that her father stayed along with the Robians. "Daddy, you stay here. The Robians will protect you and I don't want to lose you again." Said Sally. "I understand, go and save Sonic, before it's too late." Said Max as he hugs Sally. The Robians cheered as Sally ran up the stairs to the West Wing. Back on the roof top, Sonic and Shadow started to fight. Sonic pushed Shadow up the roof, his cleats making him able to not slip off the tiles. Shadow managed to pull back the club. He swung it, but Sonic managed to avoid it. Shadow climbed up a coned roof to gain the high ground. However, Sonic thrusted his hand to the pinnacle and hoisted himself up higher. Shadow attacked, but Sonic grabbed the weapon and kicked into the former's chest. Shadow lost footing, letting go of the club and barely missing the gutter. He held on and looked up at his adversary. Sonic tossed the makeshift club away and got on all fours. With a snarl, he lunged at Shadow, his claws at the ready. He grabbed the skunk by the arms and the two fell off the roof. Shadow and Sonic glared at each other and bared their teeth. They rolled down an inclined roof, trying to get the upper hand. When they reached a lower even roof, Sonic had Shadow pinned down. However, the latter kicked the former in the gut, tossing him off of himself. Shadow looked around for a weapon. He caught sight of the club not too far from his left. He grabbed it, stood up with it, and swung it down at Sonic's head. It shattered into rocks. For a second, Shadow felt victorious, but that instantly vanished when he had a closer look. It wasn't Sonic's head he bashed off. It was a leering griffin statue he just beheaded. Shadow felt rage at this mistake, and all because it was dark and raining hard. He looked around and saw he was surrounded by the same statues. Sonic the Werehog was nowhere in sight. He yelled, "Come out! Fight me!" Shadow looked around for movement for Sonic. All was still, however. He smirked: if he wanted Sonic the Werehog to come out, the he'd have to bait him out. He shouted, "What does Sally even see in you, werehog?! Why I can get all the lady's to fall for me, and I have the entire village wrapped around my finger! I am more handsome and Mobian than you, because I'm the greatest hunter in the world! You're just a hideous, careless and unlikeable creature and a monster too! When I kill you, I'll hang you head over the mantle in me and Sally's house!" The baiting worked. Sonic, with a fist pulled back, charged at Shadow from behind the middle of a row of statues. Shadow smirked and swung the club at him. However, Sonic ducked and zoomed right behind Shadow the Hedgehog. Shadow was quick enough to turn and miss a massive punch. Sonic's fist cracked the cement. The Sonic the Werehog glanced at Shadow the Hedgehog and caught the club with his other hand when it was swung at his face. Sonic and Shadow wrestled for the club. They twisted and turned until they were near the edge that overlooked and abyss. Sonic held onto the club, hurled himself over Geoffrey, and threw Shadow the Hedgehog away from the edge. Shadow stood up with the club in his hand. He glared at Sonic the Werehog with an insane flare in his eyes. He yelled, "IT'S OVER, WEREHOG! SALLY IS MINE!" That claim made Sonic swan-dive into his anger. His eyes narrowed and his blue aura increased. He stretched a back fist at Shadow. The attack made Shadow the Hedgehog lose the club and crash into a wall. Sonic picked up Shadow the Hedgehog by the neck and held him over the chasm. It was at that moment Shadow truly felt terror. Shadow held onto Sonic the Werehog's arm. He cried out at Sonic's fang bared face, "Don't! Please! Don't drop me! Don't hurt me Beast!" A few seconds ago, Sonic was so tempted to drop Shadow the Hedgehog to his death. After he heard his enemy's desperate plead for mercy, however, Sonic the Werehog realized of what he was doing. His face softened and his unleashed aura dissipated. Sonic knew for a fact he couldn't murder someone. He'd be no worse than Shadow the Hedgehog he was holding if he could kill someone. So, Sonic the Werehog stepped away from the edge, his glare back on his face. He towered over Geoffrey, causing Shadow the Hedgehog to whimper at the former's intimidation. Softly, Sonic growled in Shadow's face, "I'm not a Beast." With that, Sonic tossed Shadow aside on the ground. He stood up straight and gave Shadow the Hedgehog one more look. "Sonic!" he heard a familiar voice come from above. He turned around and looked up. Looking over the edge of the balcony on the West Wing was Sally with a concerned look on her face. Sonic's face was instantly wiped of all anger and sadness, and that was replaced by sheer joy and relief. With a wide smile, he cried back out to her, "Sally!" Sonic looked around for the quickest route to Sally. He looked back up and shouted, "Stay there! I'm coming!" He threw his hand at the closest railing and jumped up. He pulled himself there and saw a rain spout bar. He jumped from the railing and grabbed the bar. He swung to gain momentum and tossed himself to a roof. He looked up and started to climb towards Sally, his eyes never leaving her. Sally reached her hand down to the approaching Werehog. Her heart started to flutter when their eyes met. When he was within arm's length, he held on to the railing with one hand. With his other hand, he slowly took Sally's hand. She helped him get s bit higher so they could meet eye-to-eye. He held onto the railing and leaned over it. He still held her hand, as if he needed to make sure this wasn't a fantasy. "You...You came back!" Sonic spoke with a smile. Sally smiled back at him, holding his hand to her cheek. Both of their hearts started to feel at ease. When Shadow saw Sally together with Sonic the Werehog, he got so angry and notice that it was his chance to finish his job. So, he got his large pistol ready, aimed where he is supposed to hit. BOOM! The bullet hit on Sonic's back. Instantly, Sonic reared his head back and released a roar of pain. Sally looked down and saw Shadow holding a smoking rifle gun, to her horror. With a smirk, Shadow raised his gun and fired again. The bullet hit in Sonic's chest and he bellowed in agony again. Sally could only watch in horror at this with tears biting her eyes. Sonic started to slip away from Sally and she grabbed his arm just before he would fall. Shadow saw that Sally saved Sonic's before he would fall and got angry. So, he stepped back to fire at Sonic the Werehog's head, and never noticing he was back at the edge. When he stepped back, his foot went over and didn't touch any solid ground. He stumbled and tried to grab anything from falling. He fell backwards right into the chasm he narrowly escaped from. His scream dropped in volume the more he rapidly descended before it stopped.

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