Last Forever

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The next day, Sonic was sitting under a tree reading a book until Sally came and saw him reading a book. "What are you reading?" she asked very curious. Sonic was surprise to see Sally reading a book. "Oh, uh, nothing." He said as he closed the book and not wanting her to find out what he is reading. "I know you are reading something." She said which made Sonic to tell her what he is reading. "Well, King Arthur and the round table." He said. "It's really a good story. You know the day when I thank you for saving my life I didn't really mean it because I thought you just want me to be trap here forever, but now seeing how you started to treat me with kindness, it made me to be very grateful for what you did to save my life, so thank you." Sally said with a smile, which made Sonic very happy. "Well, I never thank you for not leaving me to die in the snow, so thank you." He said, which made Sally to chuckle a little. "Your welcome. We are having a good time?" she ask. "Yes, when I enter the room I laugh." The Werehog said. "Me too. The villagers say that I'm a funny girl. I'm not sure they mean it as a compliment." Sally said in a sad tone remembering how the people treated her because she was so different. "I'm sorry. Your village sounds terrible." Sonic said which made Sally to chuckle. "Almost as lonely as your castle." Sally said, until an idea popped into Sonic's head. "What do you say we run away?" the Werehog said, which made Sally very surprise and curious of he said. When they went back inside the castle, Sonic took Sally to the library, and showed her a magic book. "A little gift from the enchantress. A book that truly allows you to escape." The Werehog blow off the dust from the book. He opens the book and it started to glow and showed a map of different places. Sally was shock because she has never seen a magic book in her whole life. "Amazing!" she said to the Werehog. "Was the cruelest trick of all. The outside world has no place for a creature like me. It can for you." He said. Sonic took Sally's hand and place it on the book. "Think of a place where you would like to go and always wanted to see." Sally started to think of a place that she wanted to go, then the book started to glow brighter and took Sally and Sonic to a place call Angel Island. Sonic and Sally were inside an attic of an old house. "Where did you take us?" Sonic said, very curious. "Angel Island," Sally responded. "Oh I love Angel Island. Where would you like to see first?" said Sonic, until he saw Sally looking at the window on her side. "It's so much smaller." She said and saw a picture of her as a baby with her mother and father.

This is the Island

Of my childhood,

These were the

Borders of my life,

In this crumbling,

Dusty attic,

Where an artist

Loved his wife

A tear came out of Sally's eye.

Easy to remember,

Harder to move on,

Knowing the Island of my

Childhood, is gone

"What happen to your mother?" Sonic ask. "That's a story that daddy never wants to bring in. I tried to ask him but he refuse to tell." Sally said in a sad tone. Sonic then saw a mask of black bird, and a doctor's bag, that's when Sonic realized what had happen in Angel Island. "The black plague." He said. That's when Sally realized that her mother died by a plague. (Flashback) A doctor wearing a black bird mask was checking on Sally's mother who is almost to die. Max was carrying baby Sally trying to stop her from crying. "You must leave now." The doctor said while leaving. Max was upset because the doctor couldn't find a cure for his wife. He knelt down to let his wife take a better look at baby Sally. "Go, before it takes her too." Said Sally's mother as she kiss baby Sally on her forehead. When Sally's mother die, Max was upset that he hug baby Sally so tightly and kiss his wife on her forehead. Baby Sally started to cry knowing that her mother died. After Sally's mother funeral, Max and baby Sally left Angel Island to escape from the plague. (End of Flashback) Sally started to cry knowing the truth about what happen to her mother. Now she understood why her father never told her in the first place. Sonic was surprise of knowing how Max saved her life from the plague, and felt really bad for what he did to him. "I'm sorry for calling your father a thief." He said. Sally went to hug the Werehog to let him know that she already forgave him, and kept on crying. Sonic hug here tightly trying to comfort her. "Let's go home." She whispered, and they both went back to the castle. Back in the village, it was raining outside, so Shadow and Hamlet went to find shelter, until they saw the place where they always hang out with the other Mobians. While they were heading to that place, Hamlet started to tell Shadow of his fear. "You know Shadow, sometimes I can't stop thinking of what we did with Max. You see every time I close my eyes, I keep on remembering of what we did to him. Do you think he's..." when they were inside they saw Max with the other Mobians. "Shadow, did you try to kill Max?" said a Mobian crocodile. "What of course not. I would never try to kill Max." said Shadow, not wanting people to know that he tried to kill Max. "Of course he did, besides Roxanne found me tied in a tree and saved my life." Said Max wanting people to believe in him. "What, are you going to make them to believe that this old hedgehog saved your life?" said Shadow until he turn and told Roxanne saying, "No offence Roxanne." Roxanna nodded saying 'None taken.' The Mobians started to believe that Shadow is telling the truth and that Max is telling a lie. So Max had to come up with another plan, until he saw Hamlet. "Hamlet was there too, he saw it all." The Mobians look at him wanting to know if Max is telling the truth. "Well to be fair and honest." Hamlet was about to tell them the truth, until Shadow gave him the dirty eye look, which made him scared and to tell a lie. "No he did not." Shadow was happy, but Max wasn't. Max was about to hit Shadow, but instead Shadow hit him to the floor. Shadow knelt down and told him saying, "Max, it pains me to say this, but you have become a danger to yourself and others. No wonder Sally ran away. You need help sir. A place to heal your trouble and mind. Everything's going to be find." Said Shadow with a smirk. Max was upset because no one believes in him, and terrified because the Mobians are going to do something to him.

Sally and The WerehogWhere stories live. Discover now