AvA x Cookie Run AU prologue

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So I released that my version of Dark and Chili Pepper Cookie are pretty similar and the only reason I don't think I based Dark on Chili is because I have been in the AvA fandom much longer then I've been the Cookie Run fandom. I wanted to do a "What if they meet?" thing but then I realize that this means that other cookie could meet other sticks, so I've created a full AU where they meet

Note: This takes place in an AU where Victim, Chosen, redeemed Dark, Post-AvLoL Purple and redeemed Virabot live with the rainbow crew

As you probably already know, the Internet is an actual location/country/world/whatever in AvA's universe and video games have sapience in this world as well, and Cookie Run is a mobile game so I'm pretty sure the cookies could find their way onto the Internet if they wanted to. The main plot of Cookie Run is a bunch of cookies are trying to escape a witch who's trying to eat them, so I think as soon as the cookies released they can get on the Internet and escape the witch for good they would probably leave as soon possible

The cookies basically run around sleeping and eating where they can until Gingerbrave and Gingerbright run into Second and Red who were just walking around a town on the Internet. Second and Red are intrigued by the cookies and have a conversation with them. They learn the cookies' situation (and fact check by looking up the game) and feel sorry for them, but get an idea

Later on the animator's computer...

Animator: Umm... what do you guys have there...?

Second and Red, with a whole army of 90+ cookies behind them and are holding a drinks: Smoothies

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