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Remember last book when I told y'all about the Hardcore AU? Well, this AU is the exact opposite of that one

Creative AU

Victim, Chosen, Dark, Second, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Vira are in a Minecraft world where they are ALL in creative mode (with no Herobrine). They ended up splitting the world into four parts:

City (commonly visited by: Second, Green, Blue, Purple)
For building houses, farms, animal pens, etc.

Redstone (commonly visited by: Dark, Yellow, Vira)
For building redstone contraptions

Grief land (commonly visited by: Dark and Vira)
Just a place to blow stuff up

Forest (commonly visited by: Victim, Chosen, Red)
Just a forest. No building or destroying, just a clam forest to relax in

AvA/M randomness IIWhere stories live. Discover now