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I have wittle bitty theory that is:

Ether Chosen, Dark, or both will be dead by the end of AvA shorts season 1 (I want them both to live, but honestly don't see it happening)

Here's why:

Chosen could take in the role of Second's mentor if he/she has powers, and we all now the being the main protagonist's mentor is one of the most deadly jobs in a story. Maybe Chosen be more willing to die after releasing all the horrible things he's/she's done, because he/she sees putting his/her life on the line while saving people as the only option for redemption

Dark could die because she/he is the main villain right now. Granted, Second didn't beat Purple into a bloody pulp, but Second did kill non-stick villains. Maybe Chosen could be the executioner (I'll admit, seeing Chosen go "too far" and fall into the roll of villain would be interesting.) Or maybe Dark could do something "too evil" that convinces Second and co that's there's no saving Dark

There are two ways I could see them both dying:
(1.) Dark killing Chosen is the "too evil" act that causes Second to begin the arc that 99% of characters go through after their mentor died and then Second kills Dark. But to be honest, I really don't see Second doing that and I'd think he'd/she'd forgive Dark. But hey, I've been really wrong about these characters before

(2.) Chosen dies while doing a heroic sacrifice, that kills him/her and Dark at the same time. There's not that much more to say about this, although, I'd love to see what Chosen and Dark would do with what little time they have left, and seeing them finally reconcile and embrace each other would REALLY tug on the heartstrings

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