More of this wired AU

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Ok, this is NOT canon to the Vampire Hunter AU, but a fun little open-ended oneshot for the AU

It's been a month since Second had disappeared, and everyone believed the worse. But not Chosen and Dark. They wouldn't believe it. Second could take care of himself. He was smart. He was creative. He had been taught self defense by Chosen. If anyone could survive that long alone, it was him.

When Chosen received the message that there was a new, dangerous vampire killing innocents in a town, he thought it was just a normal case. Maybe, if he was lucky, it could give a hint of Second's whereabouts. And if it was lucky, he would give it an honorable, short, and painless death that it would've wanted before it was infected.

But this wasn't a normal case.

Chosen was impressed by its skills. It was smart enough to know there was no fighting him, so resorted to retreating with some creative exits and only attacked with self defense tactics. Clever. Chosen couldn't see its face (due to the cloak and mask), but that makes the job easier for him. Because even if they are ferocious predators, they look human, which made it hard for Chosen sometimes. At least now he didn't have to look it in the eyes as it died. Chosen was mildly celebrating an easy "send off" when it's mask came off, as well as the hood of the cloak. He would have been a bit upset, but Chosen had an even bigger concern.

It's bright, orange hair.

It looked at Chosen, who dropped his wooden stake in shock and terror. "... no... please... no..." Chosen begged in vain. But nothing he could say would change what he was looking at.

Chosen stared at Second in horror. Why? Why of all the people in the world, why was Second infected with this curse?

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