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Ok so I watched a few videos where people rescued stray cats and I came up with an idea

Imagine a Cat!Chosen and Second AU where Chosen is a cat that has lived on the streets half of his life, in the other half he was being abused by his owner. Second is a kitten (and is still Chosen's brother) but Chosen finds him and steals him before he can be abused. Second doesn't know what humans are like, and Chosen's opinion of humans is that they're all going to hurt him and Second.

One day Second gets injured/sick/poisoned and desperately needs a vet. A human (possibly Green or Red) finds them and tries to get Second, but Chosen thinks that they're trying to kill Second so he hisses, scratches, bites, and does everything in his power to keep them from reaching Second. But eventually the human prevails and brings Second and Chosen to the vet. Second ends up fine, and is eventually adopted by the human that brought them to the vet. Chosen hisses and claws at the human for ages. Second hides but eventually begins to trust the human

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