Dark and Chili Pepper (CR x AvA)

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What Dark thinks of Chili: "She has potential to do some REAL damage!"

What Chili thinks of Dark: "A large part of me is jealous, but a part of me is scared of what she had to do to get her bounty that high..."

Like all of the groups I'll talk about, they met after the cookie horde moved in the computer. Chili, like other cookies, remembers Dark's and Chosen's names but don't remember where and don't look them up, except Chili who sees their massive bounty, but doesn't tell anyone else. Dark sees a bit of herself in Chili, and is friendly with her. Chili tells herself she's not utterly horrified of Dark because of the sheer size of her bounty, when in reality she is (because that's WAY to big to be just stealing she had to have murdered at least 37 people to that high)

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