Parallels between Second and Vira

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Note: these are literally all headcanons, don't take these as canon facts

-Second likes cute things and punk-y things, but chooses to dress in more cutesy so he's more approachable
=Vira likes punk-y things and cute things, but dresses like a delinquent to be more intimidating

-Second is extremely loyal to his friends and family
=Vira is extremely loyal to anyone she values

-Second is short by his... breed's...? ... species...? of sticks standers (as in, he smol compared to Dark, Cho, and Victim)
=Vira is the smallest character in my roster

-Second is the youngest character in my interpretation at 11
=Vira is the second youngest character in my interpretation (her A.I. took 12-13 years to perfect)

-Second is Chosen's second coming (I mean, we all should know that by now)
=Vira was made by Dark to be her successor, that brings a new terror in case something happens to Dark ('cause I see all the sticks as immortals who stop aging when they're like 30)

-Second loves physical affection (platonically because aromatic)
=Vira loves physical affection

-Second is down to help a friend no matter what
=Vira is down to help Dark (and Second, Red, and Yellow in a redeemed AU) no matter what

-Second is nowhere near as powerful as Chosen and wishes he was
=Vira just as, if not more, powerful then Dark, but she thinks that Dark is 100x more powerful than her so she wishes she could be as strong as her

This one is a joke
-Second sometimes chews on his pencil
=Vira has eaten a pencil

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