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Remember awhile ago when I implied I ship The Killer Rabbit x Romantic!Second?

Yeah, I like to call it RabbitSec

So here's some RabbitSec headcanons (with a humanized Killer Bunny)

As soon as Rabbit accepted that she had a crush on Second, she began flirting nonstop and made every possible move that could be used to flirt

Second would usually be a deredere, but given his past with Rabbit, he becomes a tsundere

Chosen and Dark are one flench away from turning Rabbit into cooked rabbit

Rabbit very physically affectionate towards Second

Second (after accepting he's feelings and is sure Rabbit isn't just tricking him) will take Rabbit to pretty places (like a cliff side view, a beach, a flower field, etc)

Second will sometimes have nightmares where Rabbit hunts him, and Rabbit has nightmares where she hurts Second

Second loves Rabbit's floffy fir

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