I should never have been given this much power-

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So... remember that I sees some of the sticks as girls (and Virabot but she doesn't count for this specific thing). Yeah.

For some reason, when I start my week of heck,  (if you don't know what that is then don't look it up just skip this chapter) I usually look up fanfics with other (female only) characters are going through the same thing because for some reason I want to see other innocent people suffer with me.

And for some reason I thought about some of the girl sticks going through agony week. Which lead to a horrifying realization

I see as a Dark girl

Then I imagined Chosen leaving food for Dark then running away as fast as he can screaming "THE CREATURE HAS BEEN FEED!"

Also Blue and Red would experience Eve's curse but they aren't as world end-y as Dark's so

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