Chapter 29

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 Somehow, someway, Ryler survived that fall. She didn't burst like a human water balloon she fell on a person who had a wine bottle. They waited until she healed physically and mentally to take her to court back in the US.

She walked in the court with names being called at her.




Back on that day...

"MARIE!" Tanner felt his voice cracked as he called for her. Randall screaming in madness and paramedics who had her on a gurney to the hospital. "Baby, please don't do this. Don't give up."

"FUCK!" Randall cursed. He felt himself falling apart that would forever haunt his memories. The dead look in her eyes, feeling her go limp, hearing her repent, her skin losing warmth. It haunted him.

Trudy started to grab Marie's things and picked up a glass of wine for a swig it was going to be a long night but her head cocked back. The wine didn't taste like wine at all. That's when she realized.

Victor made sure he got in the surgery room, he would be the one to save her knowing he was trained for the best. It was a good thing he knew French too, he demanded blood and other things to make sure the surgery ran smoothly. That's when he saw it.

Randall and Tanner paced and paced not sitting down once. Trudy was too lost in thought at what she had found out. Was it the night she was going to tell them tonight? Truman just held her hand and Villa held her other hand.

That's when Victor came from the back speechless.

"Don't just stand there say something," Randall said. He didn't let him answer fast enough. "Please, don't tell me she's gone."

"Victor what is going on!" Tanner said getting impatient.

"Marie is going to live," Victor said confidently. Randall felt a breath of relief flow from his body. Tanner felt like he could fly. Trudy praised God but then she paused. He had to finish. "Before I say this, did you know?"

"Know what?" Randall said still smiling from hearing that she would survive but that slowly went away. "What's happening."

"I guess congratulations would be an order but I'm sorry," Victor said. "Marie was 5 months pregnant with twin boys. I guess you really couldn't tell on her."

"WHAT!" Tanner screamed. "No, No, No, No, NO." Tanner quickly realized what happened.

"She was carrying our babies," Randall said. "Wait you said you're sorry..." Randall felt the tears burn his eyes again. Both the twins fell to the floor. Randall threw up his stomach couldn't take it.

"She lost both the babies," Victor said. "They were found in the weirdest way, they held hands a came together as if they knew she was in danger. The bullets hit them and not one organ of Marie's."

"We were going to be fathers!" Randall cried.

The whole hospital could feel the pain radiating from them. Fathers of twin boys they were going to be. Trudy cried for both of them and Villa passed out. Victor watched them unravel.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Victor said. "We've put her in a room and she should wake up soon. They are going to allow you to sit in until she wakes up. So, get your tears out now you have to be strong for her. All of us do." Victor said went back to change into cleaner scrubs.


Marie was in this space again, no Tanner or Randall, from what she could see she was there by herself. She remembers getting shot by Tanner's jealous ex-girlfriend Ryler. Now she was in this space.

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