Chapter 2

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     "3 sisters? That's quite a household." I chuckle as she nods her head in agreement.
     "Tell me about it. What about you? Any sibling?" She asks, my minding somewhat cheering at the fact she didn't know too much about someone as popular as me.
     "No siblings. Just me and my mum. My father passed away when I was 13 though." I explain as her heads nods in understanding. 'Don't you cry now.'
     "Who were your parents again?" She asks, my smile only getting slightly bigger.
     "Isabelle and Brian May. Their marriage was basically a romance novel. My dad wrote every moment they spent together in his journals which they then published. You can't possibly miss it."
     "That's right. The guitarist of Queen. Ahh Isabelle May, she's such an icon for modern day women. You must be really proud of her."
     'You have no idea.' "Yeah, she's incredible. She would love to have met you, y'know. She liked people of political yet understandable intelligence." I say, receiving a small laugh from her.
     "I'm surprised, Michael Jackson. I didn't expect a wide range of vocabulary from a pop star such as yourself." She says with a smile that warmed my heart.
     "Well my father wanted me to be as intelligent as he was, unfortunately I wasn't but I picked up a few things here and there."
     "Wow," she says in a whispery tone that revealed her true expression. "If only my job required that much work. I'm barely moving a finger at the moment."
     "And what's your job, if you don't mind me asking." I ponder, clasping my hands as I listen to her upcoming words.
     "I'm...well I'm a dancer which is stupid..." she suddenly gasped as her cheeks turn red. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't mean any offense." She says as I let out a laugh.
     "Oh don't worry, I bet you your dancing is 10 times better than mine." I chuckle, my face also growing red. It was so weird, talking to someone who you'd think you would know forever but, I had met Ana only 15 minutes ago and we were already acting like life-long friends.
     "Oh god no, I could never. But anyways, so far I had finished doing a little background dancing for Lady Gaga but once that ended, I'm now without a job." She explains, my face slightly scrunching up at the unfortunate thought.
     "I'm terribly sorry. I wish there was something I could do."
     "Oh please, you're busy enough dancing and singing. Besides, there's no way to help me. I'll just have to apply for more jobs back home in San Diego."
"I see, so you live in San Diego. It must be lovely, is it not?" I ask as my heart did nothin but beat as my mind raced by the anticipation she gave me. She was something, something I've never seen before nor has it affected me in this way.
"I do, but I must advise you Mister Jackson..." she starts as the pilot comes over the income, announcing the soon departure of the flight. "My life is not as it seems."
"Then I must say nothing more than mine is no different." Is all I reply with as she grows unexpectedly quiet. Her timidness did not fear me, but only intrigued me even more. I wished to know more about her.
"Sir...sir! We had just landed." Matt says as people before to retrieve their things and unbuckle their seatbelts. Love tends to speed up time.
"Right of course. It was a pleasure meeting you, Ana." I say to her as we both rise and Matt grabs my things. She pulls a warm smile as I slide my way into the aisle. "I hope we meet again sometime."
"It was my pleasure, Michael Jackson." Is all I hear before the feeling of my arm tightening is felt and I'm pulled away from her and into the gate.
"Sir! You must keep focus. We are on a tight schedule." Matt snaps as we march across the gate and into the airport.
"Right right, sorry." I say, sliding my sunglasses on and placing my hat on my head. 'I hope I meet her again.'
"Mom it's Michael Jackson!" I hear a little girl yell from behind me, allowing me to stop while Matt marches a few feet ahead before abruptly stopping with a groan.
Turning around, I find a little girl running up to me with a wide smile on her face. She suddenly wraps her arms around my legs in a tight hug. She didn't even look 10, she must've been around 7 or 8.
"Michael I've been meaning to meet you! Have you gotten my letter?" She smiles brightly, looking up to meet me. I couldn't help but smile before removing my sunglasses and bending down to meet her height.
"Letter? Oh, it must be back at my home. What's your name dear?" I ask, feeling familiar with her similar British accent. Her face only gets bigger before raising her hands and placing them on my cheeks.
"I'm Susie. Wow, you really are Mister Jackson." She gasps just as a worried looking women quickly approaches us. She swoops up the girl in her arms before immediately apologizing.
"Oh...Michael..J..Jackson. I'm terribly sorry. She's a huge fan, we didn't mean to interfere." She quickly says as Susie slide out of her arms and went back to me, still bent down on the ground.
"Michael, you wanna know my favorite song? Billie Jean!" She exclaims before taking a few locks of curls and twirling them in her slightly small hands.
"Oh it's alright. We're in no rush."
"Sir! We are 15 minutes late!"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that." The mother chuckles before again taking Susie's hand and prying her away from me. "We apologize again..."
"Wait..." I say, placing the sunglasses in between my teeth while I dug in my pocket. "Aha, here ya go." I say, handing Susie a small business card with my signature on it.
"What's this?" The mother asks as Susie hops around in a little circle.
"It's my assistance's number. Do call when you have the time and come to Neverland. I'm sure Susie would like to play in the amusement park and meet Louie my llama." I say, smiling down at her wanderlust eyes and shooting her a wink.
     Neverland was similar to a palace in my words. It lived in Nevada and that was where I thrived as well. Children from all over the world come to my amusement park and home where we have loads of fun. It was a nice getaway from the world when being around children.
"Oh my, I...thank you. We'll be sure to. I'm Molly, Molly Benson." She says, holding her hand out. "It's truly a pleasure."
"Me as well. I'll be waiting for your call Molly and Susie." I say, shaking her hand before sliding my sunglasses back on. "I must be going though. Have a wonderful night."
'Tatiana and Molly. Susie, what an incredible name for a girl.'

Complex Love ~ Sequel to the Series, "My Love, Brian May"Where stories live. Discover now