Chapter 16

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"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Those syringes...they were used over the passed 2 months when I started my addiction and came up with the lie of Anna." She sobs. I didn't completely understand what she was saying but it seemed heartbreaking enough seeing her breakdown. "Anna died 2 months ago from the pneumonia. I told Susie she had gone to her grandfathers because I couldn't bear to tell her that her best friend was gone."
She sniffles a bit before continuing. I was somewhat intrigued yet still somewhat disappointed. "I heard her ask you about Chrissy. Chrissy was another name for the crack house I went to at night when I wanted to get high with my dealer. My husbands death was indeed true and the main reason for my terrible choices."
"When you met me at the airport, I wasn't getting back from a doctor, I was getting back from a rehab center because I truly did want to get better for Susie. She was all I had at the time and didn't want her to live with a crackhead mom." She mumbles before heaving a few coughs. "As you can tell, the withdrawal is already catching up with me." She chuckles before gazing out the open window that looked down at the city.
"I'm sorry about you and Ana. You two seem happy together...until I got in the way."
"Oh darling, it was a simple mistake and besides...I'm pretty sure Ana hates me right now. If I'm being honest, Susie was the one I loved the most. I never was into all the dating and such...I just wanted a friend with a mind clean from adult behavior." I sigh as I take her hand in mine. "Again, I'm sorry but I did try to save her."
"I understand." She replies coldly before averting her eyes over to a bag on the chair. "Michael, can you please fetch me my purse?" She asks, lifting a shaky finger before pointing to her handbag. I nod my head and retrieve the pouch, placing it on her lap. She takes her time with looking through it before pulling out a small box...a similar box.
     "Susie...this morning when she was with me and your parents for awhile, snuck the little thing out of our room and held it in her pocket before pulling it out and holding it up to your mother saying, 'Mrs Jackson, I think Michael would want to have this.'" She says as she places it in my hand and a stream of tears run down both of our eyes. "She always was fond of you..." she sputters as she cries more. "Never a day went by when she would never talk about you."
     "Oh god..." I whisper as I slowly open the box and the music begins to play, for usual. "Susie, I'm so sorry baby."
     "If only she could get to know you and my sister better, maybe...maybe I would've become somewhat of a better mother."
     "Molly, don't say that, love," I whimper as tears continued to produce themselves, multiplying every second.
     She suddenly stops crying and quickly wipes away her tears. "Michael, I'm not well and I know, for sure, that I'll never get better. The damage is done." She starts, taking her purse and setting it down on the ground. "I can't live without my daughter Michael which is why I must ask you this last question..."
     I look into her eyes. They were drenched with grey and hopelessness. I was almost too afraid to know what the question was.
     "You have to let me be with my daughter." She whispers, leaning back against her pillow and looking up at the beige ceiling. "If you understood me, you'd let me go." She whimpers as I hold her hand tighter.
     "I do...I really do understand, Molly." I breathe, my voice disappearing and leaving me with my final moments with Molly. "If your find her...tell her I love her, will you?"
     "She already knows." She replies with a smile that I hadn't seen since the concert. She then gently turns her head, heaves a heavy breath full of life before shutting her eyes. The beeping of the heart monitor lessens until the line was a straight, monotone beep.
     "I love you, Molly." I whisper before parting my hand away from her lifeless one and exiting the room. "Hey, ready the car." I demand, allowing them to run off to start the car as I took my time organizing my thoughts. Looking up at a nearby tv, it was nothing but news of me and the gang in which I destroyed on there.
Rumors were written, saying I had child the child and mother myself but due to video evidence, I was let off the hook immediately. The next few days were dreadful ones. I canceled the rest of the tour and mourned in my own home by myself since Roger and my mother had a tour of their own to complete.
And, of course, with this much death already in my life, I needed someone. But Ana refused to talk to me. She blocked my number, any contact with me, but she didn't quit. No, she knew she needed it and I knew she did too which was why the next time I ever see her during work, it'll be business only between us. I broke her and she broke me...we were even.
I kept the box that Molly, or Susie, gave me. It rested on my nightstand for me to wake up to everyday of my now solemn life. Just playing the damn thing brought childhood and wonder to my mind which seemed to be working with my mourning.
Sure, Bill and some other assistants took care of me but only to the minimum. My mind got furious as I repeated the scene so many times. 'I could've saved her...but I worried about my own greedy self instead of a child's.'
I was licensed as "I horrible person from that day on" by myself.

Complex Love ~ Sequel to the Series, "My Love, Brian May"Where stories live. Discover now