Chapter 8

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"Holy shit..." she whispers as I open the door to the best guest room I had in the second house. "It's beautiful, Michael."
"I'm glad you like it." I reply as she walks in and sits on the bed. "Susie will enjoy the view of the carnival." I point out as I gaze out the window to the twilight sky that was getting darker by the hour.
"She sure will." She replies before unexpectedly grasping her forehead and letting out a shaky breath.
"Woah, are you alright?" I ask, quickly sitting next to her and setting my arm on her back as she massages her temples to sooth the pain.
"Yeah, I'm just...tired is all. Could you uh...please get Susie for me?" She asks before bending down and resting her elbows on her knees.
"Of course of course. Do lay down and rest right away. I'll be back with her shortly." I assure before leaving the room and darting down hallways and rooms until I met the house and into the main hall. There, I spotted Susie lying on Ana's lap while they all chatted around a lit fireplace.
"Oh hey Mike." Cameron greets as I hurry over to Susie.
"Hey hon, your mommy wants you to go to bed. You want me to give you a piggy back ride there?" I ask in a soft tone to the sleep girl who raises her head and nods while heaving a yawn.
"I'll be back shortly," I whisper to Ana before Susie climbs on my back and I begin my journey back to the room.
"Michael?" Susie whispers in a droning tone in my ear as I walk down a hallway.
"Yes, sweetheart?" I reply as she holds me tighter.
"What does...Chrissy mean?" She groans as I continue down another lengthy hallway.
"Well, Chrissy is a girl's name. Why do you ask, hon?"
"Because mommy says it when she's on the phone. Then she leaves me with Anna before driving somewhere." She explains while I walk across a drawing room that separated the two houses.
"Who's Anna, darling?" I ask, growing nearer to the room.
"My sister. She's 12 and is staying with grandpa." She mumbles. I found it weird that Anna was never mentioned before but that was the question on my mind. Before opening the door to the room, I swing her around so I carried her on my side.
"Susie...what ever happened to you dad?" I ask, swallowing hard and hoping she doesn't tense up or having Molly hear.
She lifts her head and rubs her eyes while holding a small, cute smile on her plump lips. "Daddy's up there. I'll show you." She says before crawling out of my arms and running to the nearest window and looking up at the sky. "See Michael?" She asks as I join her side.
I look up to where her finger was pointing at and saw that she was pointing at the constellation Orion. I smile in sadness at the fact her dad was probably dead.
"How'd he get up there, love?" I ask, bending down and wrapping an arm around her as she hugs me.
"Mommy said a car hit him and then God took him to the stars." She silently sobs as I feel my shirt dampen from her tears. It reminded me of my father which also got me tearing up a bit.
"My daddy is in the stars too." I whisper, allowing her head to lift from my shoulder and her eyes to meet mine.
"Really?" She sniffs while gently wiping the snot from her nose. "How?"
"Well, there was this...flower, that uh started to grow in his lungs. Right here." I start, gently pointing to where her lungs were. "But it was a flower that wasn't supposed to be there. And um...well the flower was too much and he couldn't breathe well so...the stars took him to the sky and placed him somewhere near your father." I explain, pointing up at Orion as she wipes away her tears. I didn't believe in god but I knew she did so I wanted to make her feel as magical as possible without spoiling the religion.
"That's too bad. I bet my daddy would like yours. He seems nice." She says with a smile before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a hug.
     "He sure was, my dear." I whisper as I blink back tears. I was only 13 when my dad died and it still greatly affected me today. "Why don't I tuck you into bed, sugar?"
     "Okay, Michael." She says, not letting go as I pick her up and carrying her to her room. Opening the door, I find Molly in bed already and probably already sleeping. Drawing back the covers, I lay Susie down where she fluttered her eyes, trying to keep awake as I pulled them back over her.
     "Michael..?" She whispers while grasping my hand.
     "I love you, Michael. I wish you were my daddy." She trails off before completely passing out as her grip loosened and she snoozed away.
     I again blink back tears as I place a small kiss on her forehead and quietly exit the room. There, I thought about the whole conversation that I had with the child. She had so much potential but her life didn't seem to be keeping up with her.
     Then the name Chrissy came up again. I didn't really understand it as well as the reason why Anna didn't come with them. She could've tagged along perfectly and I would be more than welcome to show her Neverland.
     Then again, it was none of my business and I didn't want to upset either of them with more questions. 
     I had been thinking for so long, I hadn't realized I was in the main room and everyone else was gone except for one mistress who lay vertical on the couch. I smile as I realize it was Ana who had probably fallen asleep.
     Suddenly though, she shoots up before turning around and meeting my eyes. "Oh, there you are." She says in a quiet tone before heaving a yawn. "I was wondering when you'd be back. Everyone else went to their rooms."
     "Well then, why are you still up, love?" I ask, taking a seat beside her where she leaned her head on my shoulder again. "C'mon, we better get you to bed." I say, taking her hand in mine and carefully raising her on her feet where she stumbled a bit. "Woah, a bit too much to drink, hmm?" I tease as she holds her head in her free hand.
     "Yeah," she slurs as we make our way up the stairs and to the hallway where her room laid. "Sorry...for making you help me like this." She yawns as her eyes close for bit, her tiredness getting the best of her.
     "Hey, don't sweat it." I say as I notice most of the rooms closer with a do not disturb sign on the knob. "Maybe you can sleep with me tonight." I think aloud before making my way to my room where I closed the doors behind me and led her to my bed.
"Oh, thank you so much, Michael." She breathes before crawling under the covers and getting comfortable. I made sure to take her heels off for her and I even considered on giving her some of my clothes to wear but I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable especially since she was probably still awake.
I felt as if I was beginning to fall for her as I noticed her flawless features. Oh the things I was feeling...

Complex Love ~ Sequel to the Series, "My Love, Brian May"Where stories live. Discover now