Chapter 18

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2 months later

"Right and it can go like, "Somebody killed, Little Susie the girl with the tune. And we can have the music box singing with a little girl humming along!" I say excitedly as Ana jots down all my ideas. Suddenly, I remembered something. "Say, what was that song that was sung at the funeral?"
"Oh, you mean Pie Jesu? It's a Latin song that my family has kept for generations." She explains before looking it up on YouTube and playing it.
The tune came back to my head and immediately fell back in love with it. "I love it...we'll get a choir somewhere is Vegas to sing it for us but we'll add a symphony in the back, just for a little background music."
     "That sounds wonderful, actually." She giggles as she writes that down as well. I move over to the window of my, now our, room and think some more. "So Pie Jesu, music box with little girl singing, and then your singing?"
     "Precisely! And I'll sing...oh what was the tune?" I think, tapping my head in frustration. "She was there screaming, beating her voice in her doom, but no one came to assume. A fall down the stairs, her dress torn, oh the blood in her hair. A mystery so air." I sing as Ana beams from the bed. I turn around and smile at her in triumph. "It's perfect! Oh it's perfect, Ana!"
     "It truly is Mister Michael Jackson." I cheers along before sitting up as I hold her in my arms. "The world will forever know of the story of Little Susie." She whispers before parting away and pecking a kiss on my lips. "Oh, speaking of which, we should get to the studio to finish the Smooth Criminal." She recalls, grabbing her phone before checking the time. "God, we gotta go then!"
"I'll tell them to ready the car, my love." I say before pressing a kiss on her lips and hurrying down the stairs towards my guards.

At the studio

"Annie are you okay? Will you tell us, that you're okay Annie?" I sing as the dancers and I move around the set. After the Susie incident, the Club 30 scene had been stuck in my head. That was when I thought of making it into a music video, only with more dancing and performing than dancing to get answers.
     I made it look exactly like the inside of the club and, of course, added the style of fashion I had come across. I invented a way to work my lean so it wasn't as dangerous and I had 5 other guys do it with me, allowing it to look like we can define gravity.
     "Alright, Michael, that's a wrap!" The director calls out as we all breathe deeply, catching our breath. "We'll meet back here tomorrow, y'all." He announces as the crew takes down the tech and some of the equipment. It looked great from the director's chair. Just how it happened.
     Ana claps from the side as I go over to join her. "You did amazing! It looked exactly like the real place." She sighs before pulling me into a hug and even placing a kiss on my lips.
     "Thank you, my love." I reply, placing kisses all over her neck as she giggles. "Hey, I gotta go get dressed but I'll meet you in the limo. We can go have lunch if you'd like?" I suggest, tracing her waist with my finger as she smiled brightly.
     "I'd like that. I'll be waiting and again, great job today." She says before parting away and congratulating other dancers. I smile at the sight of her, just thanking the universe for bringing her back to me. Heaving a heavy sigh, I grab a bottle of water before heading down to my dressing room at the far end of the hallway.
     Shuffling my feet from exhaustion, I manage the door open and toss my white fedora on a chair before taking a seat in front of the mirror. I help myself to a makeup wipe where I began to remove all the excess paint from my face.
     Tossing it in the bin, I slide back in my seat and gaze at my reflection for a moment. Sometimes, it was hard to believe any of that had happened. Like it was all a terrible dream or a somewhat nice nightmare.
My eyes then glance down to the small box pressed up against the mirror. Leaning foreword, I rest my head down on my arm before taking my other hand and slowly opening the lid of the wooden cube.
There, the music box slowly cranked its tune, allowing the beautiful ballerina to gracefully dance in a circle. The tune that'll forever be the tune of Little Susie.
"Rest Little Susie..."

The End...for now ;)

Author's Note

Well well well, look who decided to keep the story going...because I'm a emo Queen. :') But anyways, I finished it and tbh, this was a REALLY short book for me. 19 chapters? In my second book of My Love, Brian May, I had 52 chapters! But then again, this was simply based off of my past adventure and Michael Jackson's song, Little Susie which happens to be a song that no one likes because of its "creepy vibe." I 100% love it and thought this book would be really fun to write and seeing how I only wrote it in a week, *me realizing how much time I have on my hands :')* this ain't too bad ! I will continue to make this into a series with 3 books. I already have a rough idea for book which I'll probably start today (wow I need a job or something to take away my time) and yeah, hoped you all liked it and will continue to enjoy the series! Thank loves! ❤️

Complex Love ~ Sequel to the Series, "My Love, Brian May"Where stories live. Discover now