Chapter 12

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     Finally deciding to exit my room, I find myself showing an expression of displeasure that I completely transformed at the sight of my mother.
     "I just saw Molly and Susie walk out. Is everything okay?" She asks as I straighten my posture and smile brightly back at her.
     "Oh yes, she just had to run to the pharmacy for some medication for her diabetes." I explain, clenching my costs behind my back as every moment from the dressing room flashed into my mind.
     "Jesus Christ, it's fucking raining!" Manager scowls as he comes through the back door, soaking wet. "We better get all the tech in here before it gets worse." He grunts as he checks his watch before going back to his check word. 
     "Hmm. I might just go outside for some air then." I say with a shrug before beginning my walk to the back door.
     "Try not to get too wet, dear." My mother reminds before I exit the backstage and into the outside air. It poured on me since there were no awning and I had no umbrella. I didn't mind though, it was almost like karma to me.
     "God, why'd you do it?" I whisper to myself as I slant my head up to the rain, allowing it to drizzle down my face and wet my clothes. Suddenly, I hear a voice as well a footsteps approach on top of the wet pavement. Turning my head, I find Ana holding her jacket over her head while she held a phone to her ear.
     "Yes...of course I can...right, thanks." She says before ending the call and looking up to meet me through her slightly shaded eyes. "Where'd you come from, stranger?" She jokes before approaching me so we only stood about four feet away.
     I heave a shrug before coming up with an idea. "Hey pretty baby with the high heels on." I sing, her smile growing and cheeks reddening from the sound of the song that we performed together. "You give me fever like I never, ever know." I sing a bit slower than it's supposed to be.
     She takes her jacket and removes it from over her head, the rain slowly dampening her perfect curls. "Your just a product of your loveliness." I continue, slowly approaching her and she crosses her arms and pops a hip out. "I like the groove of your walk, your talk, your dress." I riff the last note, slowly circling her while ghosting my hand over her waist.
     "You're a mystery, Jackson." She murmurs as I manage to grasp her waist with one hand before pulling her close to me.
     "I feel your fever from miles around." I sing softly as I sway back and forth, teasing her as I do so. "I'll pick you up in my car and we'll paint the town."
"Just kiss me baby and tell me twice..that you're the one for me." I whisper in her ear as she wraps her arms around my neck. "The way you make me feel." I finally sing the chorus before pulling my head back and peering into her beautiful, brown pearls.
     "If I had known you before, I would say that that song was written for you." I say in a normal tone before gently pressing my lips to hers. She kisses back just as passionately before breaking for air.
     "I'm glad we're thinking the same way." She replies, gently pushing a drenched curl behind my ear as the volume of her hair lessens from the liquid.
     "I don't wanna hurt you...ever."
     "And you won't, Jackson." She softly chuckles before continuing. "Gosh, for the first time in years...I feel like I belong here...with you."
     "Oh sweetheart." I sigh, pulling her into another kiss. "The universe was giving me a chance when I sat next to you on that plane." I recall allowing her face to brighten at the memory.
     "C'mon, let's get out of the rain, Mister Michael Jackson." She says sarcastically before taking my hand and leading me back into the auditorium where I locked eyes with Manager who did not look happy.
     "The hell, Mike?! You two, go change and go get your hair and makeup done!" He instructs, pointing to the dressing rooms. We nod and quickly walk past him while trying hard not to burst out in laughter. She really was the one for me.

     Needless to say, we got put back together, thanks to my amazing makeup crew, and had only 5 minutes until the performance. Me, Ana, and the other dancers waited on one side of the stage while my mother, Molly, and Susie watched from the other.
     The snaps were heard and the crowd got somewhat quiet as I snuck out onto the stage while the lights were still dark. Within seconds, the flashes back on and people were screaming my name. The cheers didn't stop but only grew as I began singing and slightly dancing. This album was sure to be a hit seeing how popular this single was.
Then Ana comes out and already, our stage presence felt different...almost more natural. We dance and she pretends to be upset at me as I win her over. The crowd absolutely loved it. From time to time, I'd even see Susie happily clapping from the side of the stage. At the end of TWYMMF (The Way You Make Me Feel) we actually kissed as the lights darkened and the cheers grew.
Finally, the show was over and Ana and I looked like we had just gotten out of the rain by how sweaty and exhausted we were. But she ran up and swung her arms around me in a hug and I kissed her in return.
"You were incredible!" She laughs before kissing me again. It was so nice to receive this must credit after a show. Usually, I'd get a few 'good jobs' before I'd head back to my dressing room to get dressed then leave. But this...this is so much better.
"Oh thank you, sweetheart." I sigh, breaking away from her to take another large swing of water. "Oh! I should probably go see Susie, she's probably booming with excitement right now." I recall before taking her hand and leading her over to the other side of the stage while the crew was taking everything down.
Locating my mother and father, they both give me compliments as I glance around in search for the little girl. "Mum, where's Susie?"
"Oh, I'm not sure. But all I know is the mother went off back to the house. She said she wasn't feeling well." She replies as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Huh. She must be in my dressing room or something." I say, turning to Ana who also looked concerned.
"I can help you look, c'mon." She says before leading me to the hallway of dressing rooms and letting herself into mine. "Damn, she isn't here either." She sighs in defeat before looking at herself in the mirror. "Holy shit, I should never go outside." She laughs as she fixed her hair.
"Oh stop it, you look beautiful, as always." I chuckle before wrapping my arms around her from behind and pressing a kiss on her temple. She smiles before looking back into the mirror at us. Suddenly, her eyes flicker a bit the the left before her expression lessens.
"What's that?" She asks, staring at the mirror as I stare in confusion. Turning around at the same time, we both meet a white paper taped to the door.
"I dunno. That wasn't there before. I'm sure of it." And I was because when Molly was in here, I was positively sure that that door was nothing on it. My heart sinks in remembrance of the moment once again.
Going over to it, I take it off the wood and read it before her.
"Bring 100,000 cash to Club 30 or Susie shall die in vein."
'What the fuck was going on?'

Complex Love ~ Sequel to the Series, "My Love, Brian May"Where stories live. Discover now