what he does before you leave

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Fugaku was in his room worrying about you, I mean it was your first mission, and he was worrying if I'll be okay.

" Fugaku dear, stop worrying she'll be fine "

" I know, but still "

" I know "

" I'm going to go check on her "

He walks out of his and mikoto's room, and walks towards your's. He knocks but doesn't receive a answer, he opens the door.

He saw you by your desk, and you were asleep, he smiles a bit. He walks over to you, and saw you were writing something. He picks you up bridal style and walks over to your bed.

He lays you down and pulls the sheets over you, he walks over to your desk and saw you wrote him a letter.

Dear oto-san,

I know you're not good at expressing your emotions, but I know you're worry about me going on this mission. But I'm going to be fine, I've had Anki, onii-chan, and you train me. I'll be fine, besides I'm the uchiha princess daughter of the greatest uchiha, fugaku uchiha the wicked eye. So don't worry, you're going to get grey hairs for worrying about little things, I'll be fine really.


(Y/n) uchiha

Fugaku looks at the letter and at you, he smiles a little. He walks over to you and kisses your forehead, and you smile in your sleep.


You got up the next morning, you made your bed and get dress. You got your bag, and went to head out.

" (Y/n) "

You turn and see itachi, and sasuke and smile at the two.

" Hi nii-chan, and Anki "

" Be careful on your mission "

" Of course Anki "

" Try not to get hurt "

" Of course nii-chan "

Itachi pokes your forehead and sasuke ruffles your hair. You guys part ways and see your father and mother in the kitchen.

" I'm off "

" But you haven't eaten breakfast "

" I have to meet my team in ten minutes, sorry oka-san "

" Here "

She hands you a bento and pats your head, and you smile at her brightly.

" Be safe "

" I will "

" (Y/n) "

You turn and see your father, and he walks over to you.

" I read your letter, and just come safe "

" I know oto-san, I have to go. Bye! "

He walks you to the door and sees you off, and watches as you disappear in the distance.

' don't come home different, my princess '


Your father sat with you in your room, watching as you were panicking over the mission.

" Your going to be fine "

" I don't know, I mean I'm not fit for this mission and- "

" You are fit for this mission, why else would you be a ninja. Now let's not worry about that, I'll give you a nice cup of tea and off to bed "

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