Chapter 7: Yes ( Part 2)

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*Madelaine's POV*

I kept my eyes closed for a solid minute. My breathing still ragged. I could hear her breathing too. I finally opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was her lovely face. My hands are still on her hips with her arms around my neck. Her legs are still planted on each side of me.

Yeah, I so don't regret doing that but we should really talk. That's kind of hard considering how I just wanna do it all over again. Her presence is an essence. She's ethereal, ya know? Like damn, throw me away with your beauty. I'm a mess. Well for her.

I'm rolling my eyes at myself internally. Focus man. Alright.

"Not that I don't regret doing that Mads, but we do have to actually talk." giggled Vanessa.

Oh shit, I'm gonna die from her cute ass giggles. Good way to go out though. I just wanna stare at her face a little bit longer.

She's still sitting on my lap. I'm not complaining. I gently remove my hands from her waist and she looks at me with this puppy-eyed look and gosh it is so cute. Her arms move from around my neck and she removed one of her legs to climb off of me. Moving around to sit next to me, I have no idea how this is gonna go but I know what I want. Her. This.

Vanessa asked, "So, you like me?" with this sly smile on her face. I roll my eyes playfully. "Yes, I do, a lot, you dork. And I know what I want, and I'm so scared about everything but one thing that I'm sure of is that I want this. A relationship, with you. You make my life so much better by just being in it."

Because honest to god, she is someone I want to be in my life forever.

I look down and start to play with the gold rings on my hands. And then I feel her hand on my face, one pulling my chin up and the other pulling my hands apart. As she slides our fingers together, I look at her. She has this look on her face, I can't really explain it but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

She says, "I'm scared too.", with this adoring look on her face. "I've always been scared of things, like this, and the reason they scare me is because I'm afraid. Of losing people...of losing you." She just looks at me with such love. "Now more than ever I know that I want you here by my side. You are my rock. My soulmate. I'm willing to take the risk, in however way you want me, I will be right here. With you."

There's that look again. I can still feel our fingers laced together and now I'm sure more than ever that, she's it. Her eyes shine, I don't know how I didn't see it before but she's a beauty. I have no clue how I got so lucky to have her in my life. I start to rub my thumb against the back of her hand.

"I'm willing to take that risk too. Always. For you." I say. I smile at her and my heart races a mile a minute. I've just never known how I could get blessed with her. Even if she wanted us to continue to be friends, my heart would break, but anything to have her in my life is better than nothing at all.

She looks up at me and smiles so wide. "What does this mean now?" "Well, Mrs. Vanessa Morgan?" I say. "Yes?" she responds. I stand up off the couch and drag her with me to the middle of the living room. I never let go of her hands. "How would you like to be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously. Madelaine, get it together, alright? You have the most gorgeous girl standing in front of you. Stop being like this.

"Well...I would love too." Vanessa reply's with this cute lip-biting smile. She shy's away. Yep, yep, she's the best. I'm smiling so hard right now. I pull her hands toward me and bring our bodies closer together. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and give her a hug, burying my face in her neck. She wraps her arms around my stomach.

We stand there for a little bit, just enjoying each other. I pull back a just a little bit to see her face and I pull my hands up to cup her cheeks. She smiles at me, and I love it. I wanna be the one that puts a smile on her face every day because it's the best thing there is. Well besides her. I look at her with adoration in my eyes because who wouldn't? I tilt my head a little bit. She brings her hands up to my elbows. My face closer to hers, waiting for her to make the move first. We sit here for a bit. Our hearts racing against each other's.

Then finally, she pulls me in. I'm still cupping her cheek with one hand as I slide down my other hand to rest on her small hip. I can feel her moving with conviction, removing her hands from my elbows as she moves them to put one of her hands through my hair and to the back of my neck while the other rests on my shoulder.

Feeling her lips move against mine is the greatest thing ever. Moving with a passion, she slides her tongue against my lips, trying to get a rise out of me. She almost got me. I don't let that happen.

I move my other hand from her cheek so both of my hands are resting on her hips. Our lips still moving together in harmony, I pull her hips to mine. I think it surprised her because she let out this throaty moan. I would be glad if I could hear that again.

I can feel her body on mine but god if I could've been any closer. She plays with the hairs on the back of my neck and pulls me in even deeper.

A moan came out from the back of my throat and I guess Vanessa loved that because she was trying again to get that noise out of me. I parted my lips and her tongue darted out so fast, it happened again. I could feel the hum in her throat. With her tongue going crazy in my mouth, I couldn't stand it. God.

I moved my hands slowly around her body to the back of her waist and pulled her with me, with our lips never parting, back to the couch with her falling on top of me. I loved feeling her on my lap. It's probably something I'll never get used to.

She once again separated her legs on either side of me but I want to do something. I lay back on the couch and pulled her on top of me. With her hair cascading down, she never looked more beautiful.

She looked surprised too but rolled with it. With our lips coming back together, I moved my hands on her legs so both of them were on either side of mine.

Pulling my hands back up, I dragged my hands from her shoulders and trailed them down to her waist slowly. Her breath hitched. I took this as my chance to kiss her deeply. She moved her hands on either side of my head and I squeezed her hips, hard but not too hard. I hit a weak spot.

I guess she learned something new too because she dragged her lips down to my neck. Y'all know I'm pale and this is gonna leave a mark but it is soooo worth it. She started kissing around on my neck. Leaving little pecks here and there until she went in.

She moved her hair to one side and she went to the right side of my neck and started poking around there. See, she's almost got it. Until she hit this spot on the lower side of my neck with her tongue. Yep. Definitely got it.

She smirks, she knows she got the spot because my hands squeezed harder on her hips. At this time she lowers herself onto me. I can feel the heat.

She moves some of my hair out of the way and takes one of my hands and trails them lower on her backside. I do the same with my other hand. As I rest them there, she starts kissing on my neck, at first soft pecks and little flicks of tongue here and there. Until she starts sucking harder and I squeeze my hands that are resting on her backside and her moan is so raspy.

She starts sucking way harder than last time, and it doesn't hurt but Jesus it does turn me on. My hands still grip her backside but with her body resting on top of mine, I'm not sure I can control myself any longer. It gets hot and heavy. I push my body up towards hers and I swear all hell breaks loose because I can feel her breath on my neck where she was leaving a hickey at.

I put my hands down lower to move her as I sit up. I pick her up from the couch with my hands under her thighs. She has this look in her eyes that screams lust. I look at her in the same exact way.

I go up the stairs and into the bedroom. I move to sit her down on the edge of the bed. I move a finger behind her ear to push back some hair. "Are you sure? We don't even have to go that far yet." I ask. "We could just keep doing what we're doing. We don't have to do anything that your not ready for." I add on. "I know, and one day I will be ready for that but for right now I like what we're doing so just get back up here babe." Says Vanessa with this sly smirk on her face. She wanted to play that game. I'll play it her way.

A/N Yall I am deeply sorry for keeping you waiting. I have no idea how long it's been and probably not a lot of people are reading this but if you are, thank you so much. So I took some time today to write this chapter and it's longer than most chapters so enjoy! - Marisella (I have no idea why I'm not asleep yet, it's 3 am🥴)

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