Chapter 22: Operation Rescue Part 1

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*Undisclosed Location*

All she felt was coldness beneath her. All she saw was darkness surrounding her.

She pulled the cover off of her head, letting her eyes adjust to the brightness coming from above. Looking down, she saw her hands bound by intricately tied rope. Feeling a cold, hard metal on her left ankle, she saw a long chain attached to the wall.

She checked her surroundings, finding the room to be small and a gate across the room. To her left, she saw another woman unconscious with her being trapped just the same. She had long brown hair, dirty washed jeans, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and dark boots.

She could tell that whoever locked them in there wasn't worried about them getting out seeing as they weren't completely tied down. And if they weren't concerned, she could try screaming for help until she realized she was in the middle of nowhere.

~ A few days after their discharge from the hospital~

-Back on the Homestead-

*No one's POV*

Emily gets out of Waverly's jeep and walks around to JJ's side to escort her to the Homestead. Waverly gets out of the driver's side and helps Madelaine out of the passenger's side. Wynonna's truck pulls up, Nicole getting out of the driver's side leaving Lexa to help the heir out. The said warrior hops out of the bed of the truck and opens the brunets door for her, helping her walk on her non-injured side.

The red-headed cop wondered when everything went to shit so fast.

Everyone hobbles inside and settle in the living room. Emily and JJ sit on one end of the couch while Wynonna sits on the other end. Lexa sits on a stool on the outside of the sofa by the older Earp sister. Waverly and Nicole are standing by the door holding each other while looking at the other ginger with concerned eyes. Naturally, they tried to comfort her but she declined, wanting to sit by herself on a love seat in the corner of the room, to try and process the entirety of the situation at hand.

For a moment, it's silent, until Madelaine decides to talk first much to everyone's surprise, "What do we do now?" They had no answer. Her eyes are puffy and watery with red rings around them but she has a determined look on her face, jumping at any chance to rescue her girlfriend no matter the cost.

JJ replies, wringing her hands nervously, "We treat this as any case other cases we've had. " Emily looks at her, takes the blue-eyed agent's hands into her own, "Are you sure?" The blonde looks at her with almost no emotion, her eyes not quite meeting the ones across from her, nodding her head furiously.

Waverly removes herself from Nicole's arms with a sad look on her face, "I'll be back." And she disappears into the other room for a few minutes. She comes back with two thick manila folders. "When this whole thing started, when Wyn came back to town, I had previously collected information on The Seven, this is all I could gather on Bobo," the younger Earp sister says as she hands one folder to Emily.

JJ snorts quietly with a small smile on her face, "She's like another version of Penelope."

Emily grins for a second until it turns into a slight frown, sighing, " Speaking of Pen, I don't know if it'll work but do you guys happen to have a phone and a laptop?" Nicole nods her head and immediately heads upstairs. They can all hear her rummage through a drawer and then walking back downstairs.

Nicole hands Emily her iPhone and sets the laptop down in front of her on a small wooden table. Emily then dials a number that she has memorized and mutters, "Let's hope this works."

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