Chapter 9: Where are we?

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*Emily's POV*

Emily could feel her head pounding. Grimacing, she tried to open her eyes but doesn't succeed because the light is too bright. She can hear hushed voices.

Going to sit up she brings a hand up to her face and says, "Son of a bitch." "Indeed that is, pantsuit," says a voice she's never heard before. Now seeing clearly she can see a 30-year-old woman with blue eyes and dark brown hair, clad in leather and boots with a gun in one hand waving it around and a bottle of tequila in the other.

On the right side, she can see a younger woman around mid-twenties, with brown eyes and a bun on the top of her head, wearing high waisted jean pants and a crop top.

She also sees a man who looks like an old western cowboy smoking a cigarette. She also hears someone coming into the room, turning around on the couch she also sees a mid-twenties, brown-eyed, short-haired red-headed cop in uniform.

"Are they awake yet?" asks the redhead. "Just pantsuit, Blondie is still knocked as a kite," responds the gun wielder, gesturing to the other agent on the couch.

Wait a minute, Blondie? JJ? She's here? Where?

Looking around she spots JJ on a brown-ridden couch, she quickly gets up and sprints towards JJ. Kneeling down, she brings some hair out of JJ's face. "Jayje, wake up," she gently shakes her.

Slowly waking up, JJ responds in a croaky voice, " I felt like I just got hit by a truck." Emily chuckles and helps JJ sit up, "You and me both, I'm just glad your okay," says the older agent. "Yeah, me too," responds JJ. Feeling eyes on them, they look up at the trio.

Looking around, JJ asks, "Where the hell are we?" "Well, you, my friend, just came out of nowhere. Poof. We found you in the middle of the street like a bunch of animals," says the older apparent sister.

Finally talking, the younger brunette says, "This is probably very weird for you guys but around here weird stuff is like, really weird which is normal -" "Baby girl, we talked about this," the brunette cuts her off, looking pointedly at the younger one.

"Sorry Wynonna, it's just, this has never happened before considering a lot of stuff has gone down you know? Anyways, I think introductions are in order. I'm Waverly Earp and this is my sister Wynonna. That's Nicole Haught and that cowboy over there is Doc Holliday," she rambles, pointing to each person as she introduces them.

"Well considering the circumstances we're in, I'd say we've dealt with our fair share of weird," says the blonde. Introducing themselves, "I'm Jennifer Jareau but call me JJ. This is Emily Prentiss." JJ adds on.

"Rounding back to my first initial question, where exactly are we?" Wynonna smiles as she says, "Welcome to the hell town called Purgatory."


Two for one y'all, maybe, not actually, it's technically the next day but I am on a role. I felt really good writing this and I have all summer to write a bunch of good chapters. I hope you like it. Madnessa will get added in a little bit later than expected because of the chaos that is whirling. Enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think. Duces ✌🏼.

-Marisella 🍪

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